Small Biz State Of The Union & Campaigns

Self Made: NASE's Blog

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Welcome to the Self Made. This is a blog focused primarily on the self-employed and micro-business and full of fantastic posts by not only our team of experts but by YOU!  We realize that there are many ways to help the small businesses out there which is why we invite other business minded individuals to post here and help the rest of the community as well.

Small Biz State Of The Union & Campaigns

Jan 26, 2012
Posted by Kristin Oberlander -Politicians are running for office all over America, that much is certain. It's a somewhat quiet week for the Republican candidates for president, since the Flordia primary isn't until next Tuesday, January 31st. The talk this week has been surrounding President Obama's State of the Union address. The NASE weighed in the night of with a response from President and CEO Kristie L. Arlsan and also the next day in a statementby Katie Vlietstra, our Director of Government Affairs.

We also noticed one small-business owner that is pressing Republican candidates on their self-employed knowledge. He has several YouTube videos asking them what they will do in regards to the inequitable Self-Employment Tax, an issue near and dear to the folks here at the NASE.

The opinions expressed in our published works are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the National Association for the Self-Employed or its members.

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