Geotags: What You Should Know

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Geotags: What You Should Know

Aug 15, 2010
Posted by Molly Nelson - Are your (supposedly) innocuous tweets and shared photos actually making you a target for hackers and thieves? If you haven't been careful with the settings related to your location data, then maybe.

This New York Times article explains how geotags (small amounts of information embedded by GPS-enabled phones and digital cameras that provide the latitude and longitude of where a photo was taken) can potentially allow hackers with even the most basic programming skills to find out that you're on vacation and your brand new flat-screen television is unattended.

Read the whole article for more information on how to turn off geotagging of your photos, and remember that using other services like Twitter also broadcasts your location (you can adjust whether your tweets contain location information under "settings" from your Twitter homepage).

[Web Photos That Reveal Secrets, Like Where You Live]

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