Attorney Recommendations? [Ask The Experts Q & A]

Self Made: NASE's Blog

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Attorney Recommendations? [Ask The Experts Q & A]

May 02, 2011

Q: I need an attorney to write a letter to a business associate that has created fraud and is not willing to make the problem right.  Is there anyone... that can help me?

A: Legal Club of America is a member benefit that can help. Follow this link to read about this service: /Membership/MembersBenefits/BenefitDetails.aspx?BenefitId=50 or call Legal Club of America at 1-800-305-6816. Be sure to mention that you are an NASE Member to receive the discounted price.

When shopping for any professional, I recommend these steps.

First, create a "Job Description" - a statement of what you want from that professional.

Second, seek referrals from trusted sources (for example, the Association). If you are unable to obtain referrals, consult community resources such as chamber of commerce, small business development centers, and local legal "bar" associations.

Third, interview the professional to determine experience with your objective that you determined in the first step. Also, and this is very important, determine the professional’s experience with small business matters. Remember, a small business is not a large business only smaller. During the interview, gain an understanding of fees for services.

Seek and follow-up with references provided by the professional until you are satisfied with the character, experience, knowledge and value of the professional.

The opinions expressed in our published works are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the National Association for the Self-Employed or its members.

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