Election Year – What Does That Mean To Me?

Self Made: NASE's Blog

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Welcome to the Self Made. This is a blog focused primarily on the self-employed and micro-business and full of fantastic posts by not only our team of experts but by YOU!  We realize that there are many ways to help the small businesses out there which is why we invite other business minded individuals to post here and help the rest of the community as well.

Election Year – What Does That Mean To Me?

Aug 29, 2012

About two months from now we will elect about 33 senators, a whole slate of house members, 435 of them, and even a President.  Some will be new and some will return for another chance to help their constituents.  So what should you do?  What can you do? First and foremost, VOTE!!!  Regardless of whether you lean to the left or lean to the right or even if you focus your political views right down the middle, make sure that you VOTE!!!  Your vote counts and the most important thing that you can do in this election year is to make sure that your vote is indeed counted. 

The next thing you can do is to make sure that your voice is heard as well as your vote.  Let your Congressional representatives know the things that are important to you.  Again, regardless of your political leanings, let them know.  Contact your representatives and let your voice be heard.  As a small business owner, let them know that over 70% of all new jobs come from small businesses.  Let them know that small business owners should have the same opportunities as big business.  Let your favorite candidate know that your vote is also a vote for small business.  Jobs, economic growth, new business, new investment, all come from the small business owners of this country.  They all already know this, but each of us can remind them.  

Log on to www.NASE.org and click on Your Voice in D.C. and find the Legislative Action Center.  By simply entering your specific zip code you will have a list of your representatives and even an email process to help you contact them directly.  Check out the Legislative Priorities listed by the NASE in support of your small business and then let them know what is important to you.  Remember, your voice counts.  Let it be heard!!!

The opinions expressed in our published works are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the National Association for the Self-Employed or its members.

Courtesy of NASE.org