Early Poll: Ryan Doesn’t Change Small Biz Vote (Yahoo! SMALLBIZ VOTE)

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Early Poll: Ryan Doesn’t Change Small Biz Vote (Yahoo! SMALLBIZ VOTE)

The stats might change as business owners get to know Ryan. "With his Path for Prosperity, Congressman Ryan has gotten notoriety, but I'm not sure our members will know him off the top of their head," said Kristie Arslan, president and CEO of the National Association for the Self Employed.

Arslan said NASE does not endorse candidates, but is, like Ryan, in favor of simplifying the tax code. The trouble, Arslan said, is that his goal to do away with deductions is unrealistic. "I just don't think politically that's going to get done with all the special interests pushing for their unique deductions." (As we reported earlier, NASE is among the groups pushing for special tax breaks.)

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Courtesy of NASE.org