NASE Membership - Get access to insurance benefits

Member Benefits

A complete list of NASE Full Membership benefits is below

Benefits at a Glance
$120 /YR
$11.95 /PM
$45 /PM
$99 /YR
$25 /YR
Expert Advice
Business Law
Answers to your estate planning, retirement, or general business law questions, delivered promptly from our own NASE legal professionals. Submit your questions online for a personal response.
Business Strategy
We call it Business 101, but our business strategists will personally answer your questions about how to succeed in business.
Business to Business Leads
Let's face it, driving traffic to your website and social media pages has become essential in today's marketplace. Lead generation is one of the most important strategies for your business, don't neglect it.
Database Management
Do you need support organizing, validating, storing and maintaining data? Ask our Database Expert today.
Finance / Accounting
If you are gathering and monitoring financial data, preparing monthly, quarterly and annual statements, or forecasting costs and revenues, you might need NASE’s Finance Expert.
Grants & Scholarships
Do you have questions regarding the NASE Growth Grant or the NASE Dependent Scholarship?
Health insurance is one of those things that you don’t really think too much about until you need it, and then the decision is critical. Let the NASE offer expert advice on the ever-changing environment of health care reform.
Information Technology
NASE technical support provides assistance with your general computer problems. Ask our expert to diagnose your hardware or software issue and offer solutions.
Marketing 101
The most dangerous question a business owner can have is the one they don’t know exists. Our job is to help identify and answer those questions promptly.
Real Estate
If you’re looking for guidance on how to buy a home, sell your home, purchase rental property, mortgage loan options, securing a title company or hiring the right moving company, NASE’s Real Estate Expert can help.
Sales Tax
Many states are passing new remote seller laws after the Supreme Court’s decision in the Wayfair case. Regardless of what happens with proposed federal legislation, NASE experts can help answer your sales tax questions.
Social Media
Which Platform is Best? Entrepreneurs should be looking at their business strategically, and understanding which platform will give them the best opportunity to have a dialogue with their customers, without overwhelming the owner.
The self-employed and micro-businesses are not alone when it comes to tax time. Estimated taxes, choosing a business entity, automobile and travel expenses and hiring a new employee are just a few of the topics that the NASE Tax Experts can help with.
Small Business Resources
ADP Payroll Services
You had the courage to bet on yourself. ADP has your back every step of the way.
AT&T Business Fiber
Get more speed, reliability, and value from your internet with AT&T Business Fiber®
Biz Filings
Save up to $60 off business formation services and discounts on DBA filings and business license application packages.
Broad Financial
Specializing in providing Solo 401k plans that are more powerful and flexible than big company 401k plans
Business Learning Center
Full access to articles, in-depth guides and more
Connect Lending
Your Connection to Business Lending
Constant Contact
Affordable Email Marketing from Constant Contact
Graphic Design and Writing Services
NASE continues to team up with Dell to bring members savings on the products they need.
Experts Online, Included with Membership
Tax, Finance, Legal, Business Strategy
Fast Collect
Electronic check recovery services, with no monthly service fee.
First American Payment Systems
Exclusive partnership with First American Payment Systems. Credit card processing with rates as low as .08% & $0.10 per transaction over cost.
FranNet is your one-stop shop for all franchise information and services.
Growth Grants
Need $4,000 To Help Your Business Grow?
Hire Your Kid
Hire Your Kid and reduce your taxable income by $12,000
Hiscox Small Business Insurance
Hiscox offers businesses a new way to buy small business insurance online in minutes.
Legal Club Business Plan
Access to a national network of attorneys in every field of law at either no cost or reduced rates.
Online legal document preparation services to help you START, GROW and RUN your business.
Legislative Action Center
Make a difference using this online tool to learn about issues and contact your legislators.
Improving the way, the world learns through professional development and continuing education.
NASE Startup Kit
Download the NASE Startup Kit for free!
National Credit Systems
NCSPlus is a Low-cost, easy and effective method for collecting on delinquent accounts.
Office Depot
NASE Members Save Up To 75% Off Office Supplies at Office Depot Business Solutions
Pitney Bowes
mailstation 2™ digital mailing system and scale weighs your mail and calculates the exact postage needed with just one touch of a button.
Podium provides access to bulk texting for important customer updates, increased visibility, payment collecting and generating Leads.
Save 10% on your initial delivery and 10% on your first month of storage, and receive a 5% discount on long-distance moves.
Save up to 40% on best-selling financial software.
Your monthly member e-newsletter. Articles, information and news to help you run your business more effectively, and to keep you posted on what the NASE is doing for you. Free for members.
Small Business Locator
Get Your Business Listed and Noticed!
Tax Resource Center
The NASE's Tax Resource Center provides timesaving tax assistance to help businesses file their tax return.
Turbo Tax On-line
Save 15% on the No. 1 online tax preparation program.
UENI Small Business Websites
Get the website of your dreams built for you for just $149
UPS Savings Program
Flat Rate Pricing on Shipping! UPS took the guesswork out, and put the easy in.
Washington Watch
weekly legislative email update
Xtech - Computer Support
Professional and Affordable!
Assist America, Included with Membership
Emergency help for you and your family when traveling more than 100 miles from home.
Careington Savings Plans
Careington Savings Plans, Discounts on Dental , Vision and more!
Critical Illness Insurance - $5,000, Included with Membership
Receive Critical Illness insurance with a Category Benefit Amount of $5,000 and three categories of covered conditions as part of your NASE Gold Membership!
Get the best prices in your area, and save up to 80% with GoodRx Prescription Savings.
Health Insurance Access
Access to top-tier insurance plans to fit your needs and budget. Protect yourself and your family with health, dental, life, critical illness, auto, property insurance, and many more.
Health Resource Guide
Download this guide to reducing your health care costs at no additional cost to membership.
MRI, CT, and EMG Medical Services
Workers Comp. Claim Assistance
Learn about different diseases and medical lab tests, and purchase and schedule your test - all online!
NASE Health Savings Account
Set up a health savings account at no additional cost to your membership.
NASE Members may create their customized HRA 105 legal plan documents for free!
Renaissance Dental
Get exclusive access to dental plans that are designed to help you save money while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. PPO High and Low options are available.
Term Life - MetLife - $10K, Included with Membership
$10,000 included Term Life Insurance for NASE Members. At age 60 benefits reduce 75% and then cancel at age 65.
Term Life - MetLife - $20K, Included with Membership
$20,000 included Term Life insurance for NASE Members. $5,000 for spouse and $1,000 for dependents. At age 60 benefits reduce 75% and then cancel at age 65.
Home & Personal
Save 15% on orders nationwide.
Auto and Home Insurance from Farmers Insurance Choice!
Special insurance savings through Farmers Insurance Choice!
Legal Club Family Plan
Access to discounted attorney services for you and your family. Depending on membership level, special pricing of $59.95 / $79.95 per year has been negotiated.
LifeLock® Identity Theft Protection
Get the protection you need
NASE Dependent Scholarship Program
College scholarships for your dependents. Over $1.8 million has already been awarded!
Real Estate Transaction Savings
Receive a 20% rebate on the selling or listing side of the real estate commission when you buy or sell property!
Travel Benefits
Budget Rent A Car
Save up to 25% off standard, daily or weekend rates at over 1,900 participating Budget locations.
Enterprise Rent a Car
Save up to 10% off standard daily rates at over 6,000 Enterprise locations.
Orlando Vacation Discounts
Save Up To 35% On Your Orlando Vacation!
Roadside Reimbursement Service
Whether you have a flat tire, dead battery, or lock your keys in the car, The NASE's roadside reimbursement service can help.
Optional Benefits
Careington Savings Plans
Careington Savings Plans, Discounts on Dental , Vision and more!

Membership Options

Expert Advice

Answers to your estate planning, retirement, or general business law questions, delivered promptly from our own NASE legal professionals. Submit your questions online for a personal response.

We call it Business 101, but our business strategists will personally answer your questions about how to succeed in business.

Let's face it, driving traffic to your website and social media pages has become essential in today's marketplace. Lead generation is one of the most important strategies for your business, don't neglect it.

Do you need support organizing, validating, storing and maintaining data? Ask our Database Expert today.

If you are gathering and monitoring financial data, preparing monthly, quarterly and annual statements, or forecasting costs and revenues, you might need NASE’s Finance Expert.

Do you have questions regarding the NASE Growth Grant or the NASE Dependent Scholarship?

Health insurance is one of those things that you don’t really think too much about until you need it, and then the decision is critical. Let the NASE offer expert advice on the ever-changing environment of health care reform.

NASE technical support provides assistance with your general computer problems. Ask our expert to diagnose your hardware or software issue and offer solutions.

The most dangerous question a business owner can have is the one they don’t know exists. Our job is to help identify and answer those questions promptly.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to buy a home, sell your home, purchase rental property, mortgage loan options, securing a title company or hiring the right moving company, NASE’s Real Estate Expert can help.

Many states are passing new remote seller laws after the Supreme Court’s decision in the Wayfair case. Regardless of what happens with proposed federal legislation, NASE experts can help answer your sales tax questions.

Which Platform is Best? Entrepreneurs should be looking at their business strategically, and understanding which platform will give them the best opportunity to have a dialogue with their customers, without overwhelming the owner.

The self-employed and micro-businesses are not alone when it comes to tax time. Estimated taxes, choosing a business entity, automobile and travel expenses and hiring a new employee are just a few of the topics that the NASE Tax Experts can help with.


Small Business Resources

You had the courage to bet on yourself. ADP has your back every step of the way.


Get more speed, reliability, and value from your internet with AT&T Business Fiber®

Save up to $60 off business formation services and discounts on DBA filings and business license application packages.

Specializing in providing Solo 401k plans that are more powerful and flexible than big company 401k plans

Full access to articles, in-depth guides and more

Your Connection to Business Lending

Affordable Email Marketing from Constant Contact

Graphic Design and Writing Services

NASE continues to team up with Dell to bring members savings on the products they need.

Tax, Finance, Legal, Business Strategy

Electronic check recovery services, with no monthly service fee.


Exclusive partnership with First American Payment Systems. Credit card processing with rates as low as .08% & $0.10 per transaction over cost.


FranNet is your one-stop shop for all franchise information and services.

Need $4,000 To Help Your Business Grow?


Hire Your Kid and reduce your taxable income by $12,000

Hiscox offers businesses a new way to buy small business insurance online in minutes.

Access to a national network of attorneys in every field of law at either no cost or reduced rates.


Online legal document preparation services to help you START, GROW and RUN your business.


Make a difference using this online tool to learn about issues and contact your legislators.


Improving the way, the world learns through professional development and continuing education.

Download the NASE Startup Kit for free!

NCSPlus is a Low-cost, easy and effective method for collecting on delinquent accounts.


NASE Members Save Up To 75% Off Office Supplies at Office Depot Business Solutions

mailstation 2™ digital mailing system and scale weighs your mail and calculates the exact postage needed with just one touch of a button.


Podium provides access to bulk texting for important customer updates, increased visibility, payment collecting and generating Leads.

Save 10% on your initial delivery and 10% on your first month of storage, and receive a 5% discount on long-distance moves.


Save up to 40% on best-selling financial software.


Your monthly member e-newsletter. Articles, information and news to help you run your business more effectively, and to keep you posted on what the NASE is doing for you. Free for members.

Get Your Business Listed and Noticed!


The NASE's Tax Resource Center provides timesaving tax assistance to help businesses file their tax return.


Save 15% on the No. 1 online tax preparation program.


Get the website of your dreams built for you for just $149

Flat Rate Pricing on Shipping! UPS took the guesswork out, and put the easy in.


weekly legislative email update

Professional and Affordable!


Emergency help for you and your family when traveling more than 100 miles from home.


Careington Savings Plans, Discounts on Dental , Vision and more!

Receive Critical Illness insurance with a Category Benefit Amount of $5,000 and three categories of covered conditions as part of your NASE Gold Membership!


Get the best prices in your area, and save up to 80% with GoodRx Prescription Savings.

Access to top-tier insurance plans to fit your needs and budget. Protect yourself and your family with health, dental, life, critical illness, auto, property insurance, and many more.


Download this guide to reducing your health care costs at no additional cost to membership.

Workers Comp. Claim Assistance


Learn about different diseases and medical lab tests, and purchase and schedule your test - all online!


Set up a health savings account at no additional cost to your membership.


NASE Members may create their customized HRA 105 legal plan documents for free!


Get exclusive access to dental plans that are designed to help you save money while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. PPO High and Low options are available.


$10,000 included Term Life Insurance for NASE Members. At age 60 benefits reduce 75% and then cancel at age 65.


$20,000 included Term Life insurance for NASE Members. $5,000 for spouse and $1,000 for dependents. At age 60 benefits reduce 75% and then cancel at age 65.

Home & Personal

Save 15% on orders nationwide.


Special insurance savings through Farmers Insurance Choice!

Access to discounted attorney services for you and your family. Depending on membership level, special pricing of $59.95 / $79.95 per year has been negotiated.


Get the protection you need

College scholarships for your dependents. Over $1.8 million has already been awarded!

Receive a 20% rebate on the selling or listing side of the real estate commission when you buy or sell property!

Travel Benefits

Save up to 25% off standard, daily or weekend rates at over 1,900 participating Budget locations.


Save up to 10% off standard daily rates at over 6,000 Enterprise locations.


Save Up To 35% On Your Orlando Vacation!

Whether you have a flat tire, dead battery, or lock your keys in the car, The NASE's roadside reimbursement service can help.

Optional Benefits

Careington Savings Plans, Discounts on Dental , Vision and more!


The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the association and may vary by availability, vendor and state of residence of the member. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. The association makes no affirmation of fact or promise relating to the goods and services, and specifically disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability of the goods and services reflected. To be entitled to the association benefits, you must be a member in good standing and dues must be paid current.

*Growth Grant applicants must be a member in good standing for 3-months prior to submitting an application.  Annual members may apply immediately.  Monthly members may apply ninety days after joining the NASE.

Courtesy of