NASE Washington Watch - Get Small Business News and Small Business Legislation First

Washington Watch

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Washington Watch

Resources for Business Owners Impacted by Hurricanes Milton and Helene

Below is a list (not exhaustive) of resources for businesses impacted by Hurricanes Milton and Helene.

Congress Faces CR Challenge

Congress will return next week and will immediately pivot to moving a CR through the House and Senate.

Emerging Entrepreneurs Concerned About New Tax Change

As touted over the last few months, the NASE is encouraged and excited to see the number of new business starts, however, we know that a number of people who end up as business owners (i.e self-employed) often start their business journey through side gigs or “hustles”. In fact, according to a new LinkedIn report, the number of Americans with a side gig is now estimated at 50%. However, a new tax law change could stop this growing trend and jeopardize the ability of people to earn extra income or chase their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.

Congress is in Recess. What does that mean?

Congress Congress is in recess! What does that mean? Why do they take a break? How long is it? Congressional recesses have been around since the beginning of Congress, but their purpose and length have changed over time. Here's a breakdown of everything you need to know about congressional recesses.

Congressional Recess After a Productive Six Week Session

On Friday, April 8, Congress adjourned for the Easter and Passover holidays after a busy six-week session that saw a new Supreme Court Justice confirmed, further action against Russia, approval of the FY2022 federal government spending bill, and several big pieces of legislation that had alluded lawmakers (in some cases, for decades) including: anti-lynching bill, reauthorization of the Violence Against Woman Act; postal service reform; and a bipartisan ocean shipping reform bill.

House Passes Additional Relief for Restaurants

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 3807, the Relief of Restaurants, and other Hard Hit Small Business Act of 2022. This bill provides an additional $60 billion in FY2021 for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

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  • Find out who your elected officials are and how they are voting.
  • Who’s up for election? Find out if they are on your side on small business legislation.
  • Let the media know how you feel about media coverage, news for small business, and more. Find the people behind the ink.

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