Real Estate Transaction Savings

Real Estate Transaction Savings

Member Benefit Explanation

Real Estate Transaction Savings

Receive a 20% rebate on the selling or listing side of the real estate commission when you buy or sell property!

If you’ve ever bought or sold a home, you know that every penny counts.  Now, through special arrangements for NASE Members, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your next real estate transaction through the Real Estate Advantage Program.

The Real Estate Advantage Program offered through Coldwell Banker Realty partners you with an experienced real estate agent from their preferred nationwide network. The program offers a rebate of 20% of the commission (the side your agent represents) on the home that you are buying or selling when you close with your assigned agent. 

In addition to the real estate assistance, Coldwell Banker Realty can connect you with preferred providers for Mortgage, Household Moving and Homeowners Insurance.

These exceptional services are available nationwide to all members.  The program is also available to immediate family of all eligible participants.

To register for the program or for more information, visit or call 800-396-0960.  Please identify yourself as an NASE member.

The Real Estate Advantage Program is a free, no-obligation benefit program offered by Coldwell Banker Realty. The ability to pay a cash rebate may be modified or prohibited by law in some states. Participants must follow program guidelines to ensure eligibility. To take advantage of the program, you must be connected with an agent through the Real Estate Advantage Program. No rebate is available if you have already engaged the services of an agent.

Here’s how the plan works:

  1. Call Real Estate Advantage Program at 800-396-0960
  2. Identify yourself as an NASE Member.
  3. The Advantage Program will match you with a participating agent.**
  4. When your transaction is complete, receive a 20% rebate on commissions.

For example:
$200,000 (sale price) X 6% (commission) ==> 3% (Purchase side)($6,000)
==> 20% Rebate ($1,200)
$200,000 (sale price) X 6% (commission) ==> 3% (Listing side)($6,000)
==> 20% Rebate ($1,200)

To take advantage of this benefit and others that the NASE has to offer you must be a member.

Login Now
Once logged in as a member, you will see additional instructions for this benefit on this page.

Not a Member?

At the NASE, we realize that the needs of all businesses are not the same. This is why we have created multiple memberships to select from that fit your business, home, medical needs and more.

We would like to invite you to view our Benefits at a Glance to help you make an informed decision and maximize your investment.

Have Questions or Need Help?

We have a team of professionals ready to do whatever they can to help you.
Click here to call us or send us an email if you prefer.


The benefits explained herein are offered at the sole discretion of the association and may vary by availability, vendor and state of residence of the member. Vendors reserve the right to withdraw or change their offers without notice. The association makes no affirmation of fact or promise relating to the goods and services, and specifically disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability of the goods and services reflected. To be entitled to the association benefits, you must be a member in good standing and dues must be paid current.


Join the NASE Today!

The NASE is America's leading non-profit association providing educational resources, benefits, and a seat at the table in Washington, D.C.

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