What advocacy issues should NASE focus on in 2009? (July 2008)

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What advocacy issues should NASE focus on in 2009? (July 2008)

Respondents: 602

With the upcoming elections in November, the NASE is beginning to prepare for a new Congress and a new White House in 2009. We want to hit the ground running to make certain that policymakers are aware of the difficulties faced by the self-employed and micro-business owners. To ensure that the NASE prioritizes the issues important to your business, we need to hear from you about your top concerns. Please take this brief survey to share your opinion with the NASE.
1. Do you think Congress is doing an acceptable job on Capitol Hill representing the citizens of our country?
03% Yes
93% No
04% No Opinion
2. In your opinion, what level of importance do our nation’s policymakers (Congress and the Administration) place on small business and self-employed issues?
12% Very important
07% Somewhat important
38% Slightly important
41% Not at all important
03% No Opinion
3. In your opinion, what will be the top issue facing your business in 2009? (Check only ONE)
12% Tax equity and complexity
38% Slowing economy
19% Cost of health coverage
04% Excessive regulations and paperwork burden
05% Access to capital/ financing for business
11% Increased energy costs
02% Retirement security
02% Ability to hire skilled, qualified workers
00% State and local zoning laws
01% Immigration reform
01% Social Security reform
04% No Opinion
4. In your opinion, what will be the top concern for you and your family in 2009? (Check only ONE)
05% Tax equity and complexity
25% Slowing economy
26% Cost of health coverage
04% Unable to obtain access to loans and financing
09% Housing-related issues (property values, adjustable mortgage, inability to sell, etc.)
15% Increased energy costs
05% Retirement security
03% Education costs (college tuition, etc.)
02% Immigration reform
01% Social Security reform
03% Other
02% No Opinion

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Courtesy of NASE.org