The NASE Blog - Current Issues and Topics - For Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Self Made: NASE's Blog

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Welcome to the Self Made. This is a blog focused primarily on the self-employed and micro-business and full of fantastic posts by not only our team of experts but by YOU!  We realize that there are many ways to help the small businesses out there which is why we invite other business minded individuals to post here and help the rest of the community as well.

From Words to Universes: The Transformative Function of Translation

Shaking Hands In this article, let's delve into the ways translation acts as a catalyst for preserving cultural richness and diversity.

Surviving and Thriving: How Small Businesses Overcome Adversity in a Post-Pandemic World

Success The COVID-19 pandemic was tough for many businesses. The post-pandemic world has produced many resilient businesses. Find out how these businesses powered through their difficulties in this post.

Navigating Inflation: Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Bolster Business Resilience

Person Smiling at Desk Inflation can be tough to deal with. In this article, you'll be given a few tips to help you navigate the storm.

Can I use a Personal Loan to Fund My Small Business?

Cash A personal loan can be a solid funding option for some small businesses, but it isn’t without risk. Read on for more.

From Recruitment to Retention: The Impact of Employee Screening on HR

Woman Business Employee screening is a crucial step in the HR process that has a significant impact on every stage of the employee lifecycle, from recruiting to retention. A carefully planned and flawlessly carried out screening process serves to not only attract excellent talent but also reduce hiring risks and foster a vibrant work environment. This article seeks to shed light on the critical role that effective employee screening plays in creating a productive and long-lasting workplace environment by exploring its significance and the wide-ranging effects it has on HR procedures.

Tech-Savvy Entrepreneurs Reveal Top Secrets to Slashing Small Business Technology Expenses—You Won't Believe IT!

Online In this article, we delve into the world of tech-savvy entrepreneurs, unlocking the top secrets they have successfully employed to minimize technology costs. We will explore a range of practical and actionable insights that can empower small business owners and managers to make smarter decisions when it comes to their technology investments.

AI Apocalypse: Why Relying on ChatGPT for Website Content Could Spell Disaster!

AI This article aims to shed light on the potential pitfalls and dangers of relying exclusively on ChatGPT for website content. From concerns about accuracy and reliability to the loss of a human touch and personalization, there are critical factors to consider when incorporating AI-generated content into your online presence.

5 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Business Insurance

Engineering Business insurance is expensive. However, it's nice to have when you need it. In this article, discover 5 ways to help save on insurance.

Building Resilience: Strategies for Small Businesses to Prepare for Disruption

Meeting Stuff happens. You may find your business in a bind for any number of reasons. With a little planning, you can navigate these and come out a survivor.

Boosting Productivity with Construction Project Tracking: A Guide For Infrastructure Start-Ups

Employee with Hard Hat Construction project tracking is a game-changer for start-ups throughout the industry, offering several productivity-boosting benefits. With the right construction tracking tools, new construction companies are empowered to make informed decisions, and stay on top of their projects.

The opinions expressed in our published works are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the National Association for the Self-Employed or its members.

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