About NASE - The Nation's Leading Resource for Entrepreneurs

About Us

The Nation’s Leading Resource for Entrepreneurs

The NASE was founded in 1981 to provide day-to-day support, including direct access to experts, benefits, and consolidated buying power that traditionally had been available only to large corporations. Today the NASE represents hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and micro-businesses, and is the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan association of its kind in the United States.

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The NASE Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the National Association for the Self-Employed. Since 1981, the NASE has focused on providing a broad range of benefits to help entrepreneurs and their small businesses successfully complete in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

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We can provide data you need and put you in touch with a micro-business expert to get their perspective on economic and business trends, as well as legislation affecting the self-employed.

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About NASE

The NASE was founded in 1981 to provide day-to-day support, including direct access to experts, benefits, and consolidated buying power that traditionally had been available only to large corporations. Today the NASE represents hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and micro-businesses, and is the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan association of its kind in the United States.

Self Made

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Courtesy of NASE.org