How do I protect my brand while allowing others to sell my product? Do you have any templates, advice, or resources for this type of contract?

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How do I protect my brand while allowing others to sell my product? Do you have any templates, advice, or resources for this type of contract?

Business Law - Oct 4, 2021

We are not able to write specific contracts on this forum. Generally, you will want to have some control over how your product is marketed and displayed. I have seen businesses set displays up that the provider did not approve. Also, are they going to use your marketing language on their web site ? Who controls pricing ? What happens to unused product. I suggest you look for form language and attempt to write out a contract including payment terms, cancellation, where disputes will be heard, and who has authority to do what. Then take that to a local business lawyer for review. You will be more informed and involved and the fee should be less.

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