Employee Onboarding & Recruitment Guide: How To Prep For Your Dream Job

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Employee Onboarding & Recruitment Guide: How To Prep For Your Dream Job

Jun 16, 2023

Job hunting can sometimes feel like a job in itself, especially in these competitive times. It requires energy, time, focus, patience, and effort. You achieve an exciting milestone in your career journey when you finally secure your dream job.

While landing a job offer is an excellent step towards achieving your career goals, the next stages (interviewing and onboarding) can be overwhelming and stressful. Research shows that 81% of employees feel overwhelmed by the onboarding process. The process can make or break your working experience, hence the need for excellent preparation.

In this guide, we explore essential steps and tips to help you prepare for your interview and onboarding process.

Interview Preparation

Job competition is real, and many job seekers have the same qualifications as you. Ensure you are well-equipped and prepared to stand out from the crowd during your interview. The following steps can be helpful:

Research the Company and Job Position

What do you know about our company? Don't let questions such as this catch you off guard. Research shows nearly 50% of recruiters reject applications from candidates with little or no knowledge about the company.

Conduct thorough research on the company's mission, values, culture, and products/services. In addition, read the job description and understand the responsibilities clearly. Having this information allows you to demonstrate that you know your role well and have knowledge about the company. You can also tailor your responses to the interviewer's expectations.

Practice Answers to Common Interview Questions

While interview questions can differ depending on the role, some are common during job interviews. For example, your salary expectations or briefly describing your background.

Practice responding to common questions, and be prepared for the recruiter to be more creative with the questions you don't expect. Some companies will give you a test to prove your skills. So ensure that you improve your skills before the interview.

Prepare Examples and Stories

Come up with examples and stories that showcase your skills and experiences to leave a lasting impression. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your stories and examples.

Prepare Thoughtful Questions to Ask

Prepare questions you would like to know about the company and your role. Thorough research can help you come up with thoughtful questions. As a result, the interviewer will see that you've done your homework well and that you're genuinely interested in the opportunity.

Keep Your Documents Organized

Keep your documents, such as cover letters and resumes, well organized. Handing the interviewer documents that are not organized may portray you as an unorganized person and may lead to being overlooked. On the other hand, organized documents demonstrate organizational skills, professionalism, and attention to detail, which are highly valued in any company.

Practice Positive Body Language and Speaking Voice

Your voice and body language can convey confidence, positivity, and enthusiasm. Nonverbal communication has 65% to 93% more impact than verbal communication. You can practice nonverbal communication including gestures, posture, and speaking style. You can also conduct mock interviews to boost your confidence.

Take Care of Your Interview Outfit

Prepare formal attire for the interview. Better to err on the side of caution and present yourself in a competent and polished manner.

Plan Your Commute

There's something about interview days; delays, especially in traffic, are always there. Plan your route to avoid a late arrival, which 84% of recruiters consider the worst offense during an interview.

What to Expect During an Interview

Each interview is unique, but you can expect the following:

  • Introduction to the interviewers

  • Questions to assess your qualifications and suitability for the role

  • Describe projects you've been involved in.

  • Discuss your background and experience, including education, work history, and relevant experiences.

  • What to expect with your new role

  • Behavioral assessments such as eye contact, posture, and overall poise

  • A chance to ask questions on the role, company, team dynamics, or any other relevant aspects

  • The interviewer (s) will likely explain the next steps in the hiring process, such as additional rounds of interviews, assessments, or reference checks.

  • Two to three interviews

  • Some companies perform drug tests to ensure a drug-free workplace.

Onboarding Preparation

Onboarding is welcoming and training new employees about the company. It involves getting accustomed to the work environment. The onboarding process can be different depending on the organization. However, the goal is to ensure a smooth transition by becoming familiar with the organization's structure, policies, procedures, and culture.

Here are some ideas to help you prepare for onboarding:

  • Review and understand important documents such as job offers, employee handbooks, policies and procedures, and employment contracts.

  • Prepare relevant documents required during your first day, such as identification and driver's licenses.

  • Complete necessary paperwork, like filling out tax forms or other administrative documents.

  • Continue to do more research about the company and your role.

  • Plan your schedule, including any orientation sessions, training, or meetings you may need to attend. This requires collaborating with human resources (HR).

  • Understand your first day's expectations, including dressing code, meeting locations, start day/time, break time, and any other necessary information for your preparation.

What to Expect During the Onboarding Process

Typically, the onboarding process involves pre-boarding, orientation, job-specific training, transitioning to a new role, and post-boarding. Here are activities you can expect during the onboarding process:

  • Cover the company's mission, vision, and values, as well as an overview of the company's history, culture, and organizational structure.

  • Introduction to the company's software systems and tools

  • Receive training on the company's policies and procedures, including safety guidelines and IT and security protocols.

  • Meet with their supervisor and team members to discuss your role and responsibilities, including goals and expectations for the first few weeks or months.

  • Opportunity for the new hire to network and build relationships with colleagues through team-building activities and attending departmental or company-wide meetings

Take Away

The interview and onboarding process can be daunting, and a lack of preparation can cause you to miss your dream job. Active listening, a positive attitude, and enthusiasm for the opportunity are crucial to success in both processes. Good luck.

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