Choosing the Right RPA Solution for Your Manufacturing Unit

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Choosing the Right RPA Solution for Your Manufacturing Unit

Feb 28, 2024

Ziva is a production manager in a well-known manufacturing unit in California, who once juggled a lot of paperwork, and her team was also swamped with data entry and report generation tasks. Frustrated by inefficiency, she learned about robotic process automation (RPA). She informed the management about it, and they took the help of the RPA consulting firms to reduce the doubts and hesitation. 

RPA consultants helped the management to understand RPA better and get a few tasks automated initially. Automation took over immediately, tackling those tedious tasks, freeing up Ziva’s team and boosting productivity. The results were not just the happiness of employees but quantifiable ROI, saved hours, eliminated errors, and resources redirected to strategic initiatives. 

Ziva’s story is not unique; there are many manufacturing companies that are benefiting from using Robotic Process Automation. In this article, we will talk about why choosing the right RPA solution matters for maximizing ROI, Different RPA solutions, key considerations of choosing the right RPA solution for the manufacturing industry. Later, we will conclude the article with the benefits of RPA consulting for organizations.

Right RPA Solution to Maximize ROI

Considering ROI before investing in an RPA solution matters significantly for an organization in all industries. An error in choosing the right tool for the job or a mismatched solution can lead to wasted resources, limited impact, hidden costs, etc.

When you invest in the right RPA solution, it ensures efficient implementation, targeted automation, and a robust foundation for ongoing growth, resulting in maximized return on investment. Let’s have a look at different RPA solutions by deployment and functionality.

By Deployment

  • Attended RPA: These “Desktop Assistants” run alongside human workers.

  • Unattended RPA: These “Software Robots” run independently without human intervention.

  • Hybrid RPA: It’s a combination of attended and unattended automation.

By Functionality

  • Basic RPA: Offers core automation features like data manipulation, screen scraping, and simple decision-making.

  • Intelligent RPA (IRPA): Integrates AI capabilities like machine learning and natural language processing for cognitive automation, handling complex tasks and unstructured data.

Best RPA Tools for Effective Automation Project

The perfection of the tool depends on how effectively it addresses the concern. All you need to do is look for a specific tool that holds the potential to resolve your business problem. Here are the top 3 tools that are widely used in RPA projects all around the world.

  1. UiPath

  2. Power Automate

  3. Automation Anywhere

Let’s Understand in which situation you should opt for which RPA tool in short:


  • Best for: Large enterprises with complex automation needs, AI integration, and scalability across departments.

  • Pros: User-friendly, versatile feature set, strong AI capabilities (UiPath AI Center).

  • Cons: Higher cost compared to some options may be overkill for smaller projects.

Power Automate:

  • Best for: Microsoft-centric businesses with simple to moderate automation needs and existing Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

  • Pros: Affordable, integrates seamlessly with Microsoft products, and is easy to use for citizen developers.

  • Cons: Limited in complex functionalities compared to enterprise-level tools, not ideal for advanced tasks or non-Microsoft environments.

Automation Anywhere:

  • Best for Companies needing cognitive automation with natural language processing and machine learning for unstructured data, particularly in regulated industries.

  • Pros: Robust security, multi-environment deployment, advanced cognitive RPA capabilities.

  • Cons: It can be complex for beginners and potentially higher in cost than some options.

Key ROI Considerations for Choosing an RPA Solution

Considering ROI while choosing an RPA solution is as important as looking at fuel type while purchasing a new car. Careful evaluation of factors like cost, functionality, scalability, and vendor support can help you choose the right RPA tool for the job. Let’s evaluate each of these factors for better understanding:

  • Cost:

The right cost structure can help you avoid wasting money and time on features you don’t really need while automating or don’t fit into your budget. By optimizing the cost, you can ensure the maximum output in return for the amount you are investing.

  • Functionality:

You have already identified the problems that you wish to be dealt with in RPA, then stick to the features that are aligned with your automation goals. A difference in functionality and requirements can cause irregularities and missed automation significance.

  • Scalability:

You can avoid the costly reimplementation of automation if you plan the project with scalable solutions that can evolve along with your needs. 

  • Security:

Top-notch security keeps your info locked tight, away from troublemakers and fines, building trust with everyone you work with.

  • Vendor Support:

Wise vendor support, such as Bacancy’s RPA consulting services, holds your hand all the way, keeping things smooth and your robots running at their best, non-stop!

Final Thoughts

Are your employees stuck in the loop of repetitive manual tasks, as Ziva’s team once was? Robotic Process Automation can be your cost and resource-saving savior. From reduction in labor costs to enhanced efficiency and improved data management, you can unlock savings.

No doubt RPA is a powerful tool for industry, including yours, manufacturing; however, taking the help of RPA consultants is recommended as effective integration requires expertise, and that can be possible only when you outsource your automation project to expert companies like Bacancy Technology. Here are some of the ways RPA consulting can be at your aid;

1. Identifying the Right Opportunities

2. Choosing the Optimal Solution

3. Smooth Implementation and Optimization

4. Expertise and Best Practices

5. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

You can ensure a successful Robotic Process Automation in your organization by relying on Bacancy’s expertise and guidance.

Meet The Author:

Jon Howe

Jon Howe

Jon is a committed freelancer and adaptable part-time writer.


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