NASE Supports Overtime Phase In Legislation


NASE Supports Overtime Phase In Legislation

On July 14, 2016, the National Association for the Self-Employed, voiced its strong support for the Overtime Reform and Enhancement Act introduced by Rep. Schrader (D-OR)

The NASE believes strongly that any new rule or regulation that has such a significant impact on small business’ bottom-line, must be given a reasonable timeline for implementation and should be scaled appropriately in order to ensure businesses can continue to grow and succeed while complying with the law. 

The Overtime Reform and Enhancement Act’s phase in of the proposed regulations will provide businesses an opportunity to comply while also ensuring the continued success and growth of our small business community. This phased system would guarantee small businesses a fair chance to protect their employees and plan for future regulatory costs. It is essential that a serious new rule such as this gives the small business community adequate time to prepare. 

We applaud Congressman Schrader for his leadership on this issue and the NASE is proud to work with him on this important legislation.  

NASE letter of support


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