NASE Minute

NASE Minute

The NASE Minute is a series of videos created by our own experts and released weekly that are designed to help you get the edge you need to help your business succeed!

Property Tax Protest

What does it take to protest an increase in your property taxes? Will it actually reduce my taxes?

Posted on 4/25/2024

Meet The Presenter:


Scott Scribner

Mr. Scribner brings to the NASE board over 25 years of small-business expertise. As a real estate professional and investor, he has an extensive background in both sales and investment and currently leads a successful real estate sales team. Formerly a commercial bank president and CEO, he has broad experience in many of the issues surrounding small business, including finance, management and business strategy.


Want to see more?

Click here to see all of the previous NASE Minute business videos.

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