The Bailout of our Economy (Oct 2008)


The Bailout of our Economy (Oct 2008)

Respondents: 445

With the collapse of Wall Street and America’s financial services sector, the outlook for our economy is as grim as ever. Big questions loom regarding who is to blame and what actions, if any, should be taken. One thing is for certain, the ripple effect of this financial collapse will be felt by all and any bailout will affect all taxpayers, especially small business. Take this short survey to tell us what you think about our current economic crisis.
1. With the recent news of the collapse of the financial sector on Wall Street, how concerned are you about our country’s economy?
77% Very concerned
15% Somewhat concerned
05% Slightly concerned
03% Not at all concerned
0% No Opinion
2. Is the recent downturn in the economy affecting you and your business?
73% Yes
18% No
08% No opinion
3. Which of the below is your chief worry regarding the current negative economic news? (Check only ONE)
03% My money in the bank is at risk
23% My savings in a 401K or other retirement savings vehicles is at risk
18% My taxes will be increased
12% I will be unable to access credit or loans
10% I will be unable to pay my mortgage and may lose my home
07% I will be unable to sell my home due to falling property values
18% Due to the slow economy, I may be forced out of business
05% Other
05% No Opinion
4. Do you favor a bailout of Wall Street and the financial services sector by our government?
26% Yes
61% No
13% No Opinion
5. Please indicate which of the below you think is most responsible for our nation’s current economic problems? (Check only ONE)
19% Lack of oversight and regulation on financial sector
43% Irresponsible business practices by financial services companies and Wall Street
20% Americans living beyond their financial means
06% Economic policies of the Administration
11% Economic policies of Congress
01% No Opinion

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