Main Street or Wall Street? Why Not Both? (Huffington Post)


Main Street or Wall Street? Why Not Both? (Huffington Post)

It has become a time-honored tradition for politicians to claim they're looking out for "Main Street, not Wall Street." Capitol Hill is littered with proposals that are supposed to help small businesses compete in the marketplace and the Obama Administration has made this kind of messaging a key plank in their platform.

As is often the case, the truth is not always what it may seem. While there are many proposals before Congress that will specifically address key challenges facing entrepreneurs contemplating or already running businesses, many of these efforts fall short of real help for Main Street. And in many cases, the reason is that they fail to address the entire marketplace: 78 percent of the small businesses in the U.S. are self-employed professionals. The self-employed are a huge majority of the small businesses on Main Street, but many of the proposals being considered ignore this fact.

Read the rest of the post here.

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