Small Business Community’s Open Letter to the 115th Congress


Small Business Community’s Open Letter to the 115th Congress

CONTACT:  Kristofer Eisenla, LUNA+EISENLA media | 202-670-5747 (mobile)

 – As the 115th Congress convenes today, Katie Vlietstra, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, published the below open letter calling for bipartisan support for the small business community to help strengthen the nation’s economic engine, by specifically addressing the areas of health care, regulatory evaluation and tax reform.

In an Open Letter to the 115th Congress published in Home Business Magazine, Vlietstra writes:

The American public and small businesses both overwhelmingly believe in the common theme of strengthening our economy.  We all agree that it should be the top priority for President-elect Trump’s incoming Administration and the 115th Congress. It is our hope that there is wide bipartisan support for getting things done when it comes to providing affordable health care access, regulatory evaluation relief and reforming our tax code.

On health care --

Having a robust and dynamic health care insurance system is crucial to ensuring a healthy and productive workforce. While the Affordable Care Act provided new avenues for the self-employed to have access to comprehensive health care coverage, the exchange marketplace, however, is being stifled by burdensome requirements that are pushing insurers out of the market and causing premiums to dramatically increase. We must work with Congress to put into place a dynamic insurance marketplace that guarantees the self-employed have access to comprehensive and affordable health insurance. A healthy workforce will ensure our economy continues to grow and provide opportunities for entrepreneurs.

On regulatory evaluation --

The small business community also needs a regulatory evaluation process that is not burdensome and detrimental to the economy. We need an enhanced regulatory evaluation process before any new regulation is enacted to evaluate any potential impact on the small business community and overall economy. For instance, the Fiduciary rule, an overly complex rule being imposed on retirement advisors (who are often self-employed professionals), is just another example of instituting a regulation that is restrictive to the many retirement advisors that are working to ensure the self-employed and micro-business owners have adequate savings for retirement. We encourage the new Congress to swiftly pass both the REINS ACT, legislation that would require Congress to approve new major regulations, and the MIDNIGHT RULES ACT, which allows Congress to disapprove of late-stage administration regulations en masse, expected to be on the agenda this week.

On tax reform --

The issue of tax reform has received more lip service than real action in the last few years. But President-elect Trump’s Administration with a Republican-led Congress has signaled a potential change. While comprehensive tax reform should be considered to ensure everyone is treated equal by the tax system, the small business community would greatly benefit from reforming the individual tax rate, which is where the majority of the self-employed file. We need a simpler and fairer tax system than benefits all types of businesses, and this includes simplifying the definition of an independent contractor, as well as offering a standard business deduction and ensuring an “employee” is also defined as an owner.

Click here to read the full Open Letter

Vlietstra also recently appeared on MSNBC’s Your Business to discuss the small business community and the outlook for small business issues in President-elect Trump’s incoming administration.

Click above to here to watch the full video

** To interview Vlietstra to discuss America’s small business community, please contact Kristofer Eisenla at or via mobile at (202) 670-5747  **


The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, bringing a broad range of benefits to help entrepreneurs succeed and to drive the continued growth of this vital segment of the American economy. The NASESmall Business Locator helps identify and connect our nation’s smallest businesses. In addition, NASE’s new health care portal helps small business owners navigate the nation’s health care marketplace. The NASE is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit organization and provides big-business advantages to hundreds of thousands of micro-businesses across the United States. For more information, visit the association's website at

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