Blistering Letter Lays Out Congressional Failure to Stabilize Health Care Premiums


Blistering Letter Lays Out Congressional Failure to Stabilize Health Care Premiums

In a letter to NASE and other stakeholders, Chairman Alexander (R-TN) of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee, offered a blistering assessment of why and how Congress has failed in taking steps to stabilize the health care premium marketplace. In the letter, Chairman Alexander highlights the three proposals that had gained bi-partisan support in the Senate; 1) three years of cost-sharing reduction payments; 2) Section 1332 waiver reforms; and 3) three years of reinsurance grants to states, however, he points to the failure of Democrats to include those proposals in the omnibus that passed earlier this year as the reason consumers will be faced with growing health care costs. 

You can read the full letter here

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