6 Ways to Increase Deal Closings


6 Ways to Increase Deal Closings

No matter how experienced or skilled a salesperson may be, closing the deal is always the most challenging (and critical) part of the process. It doesn’t matter if you can reel a potential client in if you can never actually hook them.

There are dozens of sales-closing techniques used in business. Some people are more overt and do things like send a YouTube video in email while others rely on subtly and personal communication. No matter what kind of technique you employ, it’s important that you do so confidently and successfully.

If you’re looking to increase the number of deals you close on a regular basis, here are some tips that will steer you in the right direction.

1. Always Ask About the Next Step

You just had a great interaction with a customer, and you’re confident that they’re interested in buying what your selling. However, that confidence alone isn’t enough. The ball’s in your court, so it’s time to ask about what comes next. Remember, you don’t want to come across as overly pushy, so you’ll need to handle this part of the process with care. Try suggesting several options to the customer so that they feel they have plenty of freedom.

The goal is to strike the perfect balance: pursue the customer and ask about the next step, but don’t become overbearing. Too many questions and steps can push the customer farther away, so stick to big steps that might happen in the future.

2. Give Your Customer All of the Information They Need

The more informed your customer feels, the more likely you are to close the deal. Customers want to know that they’re getting a fair price for something they understand completely, so as the salesperson, you must be willing to answer any and all questions they may have. Honesty and other likable traits go a long way towards finalizing a deal.

As you answer their questions, try learning more about them as a customer. Ask about how they might use the service, then build off of their response to increase their interest in the product. Remember, no one likes a salesperson who comes across as sketchy or who is resistant to answer questions in a straightforward manner, so try to be as transparent as possible. This will help you establish a rapport with the customer and eventually seal the deal.

3. Never Promise Things You Can’t Deliver

Nothing will make a customer doubt you more than a false promise. Even if you’re tempted to make the thing you’re selling sound incredibly tempting, don’t over exaggerate or lie about its qualities. If anything, you may want to undersell certain parts of the product so that you can surprise them by over-delivering in the future. As you make more and more successful deals, you’ll gain plenty of experience, which will help you determine which promises you should make and which you shouldn’t.

4. Don’t Bad-Mouth the Competition

Sales is a competitive career field, and no matter what you’re advertising to your customers, there’s someone out there trying to take those potential sales away from you. However, don’t let the intense competition bring out your dark side, especially in front of clients. When a customer critiques your service or product and compares it to a competitor, respond in a positive manner. Psychology has long indicated that people are much more likely to smile at you if you’re smiling first, and if you’re trying to win a client over, you need them to be in a positive state of mind.

5. Utilize the Available Resources

With today’s unlimited amount of technological resources, salespeople should definitely be taking advantage. Do research online, implement organizational strategies, and find new ways to network effectively. Services like the deal pipeline management at rethinkcrm.com can help you be transparent with your customers and funnel them into a successful deal.

Also, ensure that every aspect of the product you are presenting to the customer appears clean and reputable. If the product’s website looks shabby, even the best salesperson will struggle to close a solid deal. Suggest enhancing the web design to ensure that the product is displayed in an appealing manner.

However, it’s also important to remember that your skills will be the final tool in closing deals, so don’t neglect improving yourself and rely solely on technology.

6. Be Prepared for Every Situation

If you truly want to appear confident and trustworthy to potential customers, you need to be prepared for the questions, concerns, and comments they might have. Stumbling over a poorly-worded explanation for something will only decrease their opinion of you and the product you’re selling, so before you attempt to strike any deal, make sure that you are prepped for the various situations that could arise. Come up with sales strategies for various kinds of products and clients so that you always feel ready.

Furthermore, a salesman must be willing to become a negotiator in many cases. If you feel that your skills are lacking in that department, closing a deal will most likely be difficult for you. Even if you do close the deal, it might not be as successful as you would like it to be. Therefore, it pays to think about negotiation tactics before walking into a meeting with an important customer.

In Conclusion

As a salesperson, a closed deal is always the ultimate goal of an interaction with a customer. To get there, you must be willing to push for the next step and act in a positive, honest, and informative manner. Remember to use your resources wisely, and perhaps most importantly, prepare for any and all situations. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll substantially increase the number of successful deals you close.

Meet The Author:

Susan Ranford

Susan Ranford

Susan Ranford is an expert on career coaching, business advice, and workplace rights. She has written for New York Jobs, IAmWire, and ZipJob. In her blogging and writing, she seeks to shed light on issues related to employment, business, and finance to help others understand different industries and find the right job fit for them.

Courtesy of NASE.org