How to Make Your Home Office Eco-Friendly


How to Make Your Home Office Eco-Friendly

Working from home has become the norm for thousands of people across the country. As of February 2021, a Gallup poll found that 56% of workers in the U.S. were either always or sometimes working at home. The COVID-19 pandemic created an even bigger remote work boom, and it’s clear that home offices, Zoom meetings, and remote reporting are here to stay.

There are many benefits to working from home, but there can also be more distractions. It’s incredibly important to have a home office space that’s organized, decluttered, and functional. But, when you’re creating a space that promotes productivity, you should also do it in an eco-friendly way.

Sustainability and the environment are hot topics nowadays for a reason. You can do your part from the comfort of your home by keeping your office eco-friendly and implementing green lifestyle tips into your daily work routine.

Not sure how to get started? Let’s cover the basics.

Find the Right Space
Finding the right space for your home office is the first step toward an organized and green environment. You don’t necessarily need a whole room to have an efficient workspace. But, if you know you’re going to be working from home from now on, it could be a perfect time to consider making a move to a bigger home. If you’re a single parent or on a tight budget, make sure you sort out your credit and don’t be afraid to ask for help throughout the home buying experience.

If you want to stay in your current location, consider some of the following options for a home office space:

●      Family room

●      Dining room

●      Closet

●      Loft

●      Attic

●      Basement

It’s important to have a space that you can truly transform. Once you’ve found the perfect location, consider how you can liven it up to be more productive. One of the easiest ways is by applying a fresh coat of paint. You can use color psychology to choose a shade that makes you more productive and boosts your energy, like blue or green. Whatever you decide, make sure you use eco-friendly paint that is free from biocides, pigments, and VOCs. Thankfully, there are plenty of eco-friendly paint brands on the market today, so you should be able to find one in the perfect shade to fit your needs.

Aside from paint, you can save energy from heating/cooling in your office by installing blinds or curtains. If you live in an older home and your windows have leaks, energy-efficient curtains can prevent heat from escaping, so you won’t have to worry about turning up the thermostat throughout the day.

Be More Energy Efficient
Certain things in most home offices are known to drain a lot of energy. Not only will that cause your utility bill to climb, but it’s harmful to the environment. Some of the biggest energy drainers include:

●      Your computer

●      Lighting

●      Printers

●      Thermostats

Thankfully, these are all items that can be adjusted or swapped for more energy-efficient alternatives. Use devices that are ENERGY-STAR compliant, turn off devices when they aren’t in use, and utilize natural lighting as much as possible.

If you really want to jump on board with sustainability, you might also consider a self-sustainable approach to making your own energy. Things like wind power or solar power are both great options for creating energy and lowering your electric bills in the process.

Of course, getting those systems set up can take time and expertise. Wind power obviously will only be a viable option if you live in an area that gets enough wind. Solar panels will give you the most bang for your buck when you install them in an openly sunny area.  Look into alternative energy sources that could fit your needs, and consider making a swap for not just your office, but your entire household. It’s often worth the investment.

Practice Sustainable Habits
Once you’re happy with your eco-friendly office, it’s important to make sure your daily habits are sustainable, too. There are plenty of ways to stay green while working from home, including ditching paper as much as possible, using bamboo office products, and reducing your waste.

Because you’ll be at home most of the day, your routine habits should also change to reflect a more sustainable lifestyle. Turn lights off when you leave a room, take shorter showers, and set up a “recycling center” somewhere in your home so anything that can be reused will go in its proper place.

This is a great opportunity to get your family on board with an eco-friendly lifestyle, too. Since you’ll have more time at home, you’ll also have more time to educate yourself and others in your house on how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Even small changes can make a big difference. Start with your office and commit to working in an eco-friendly environment. You might be surprised by how quickly your other habits become “greener,” as a result.

Meet The Author:


Luke Smith

Luke Smith is a writer and researcher turned blogger.

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