Over the Hill and Still Running

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Over the Hill and Still Running

Simply because you reach the age of 40 does not mean that you are old and have to act like it…much less look like it. Feeling confident about your looks and abilities is crucial to meeting the aging process head on from one year to the next. Follow the helpful tips below to get in great shape for the next 40 years. You might just discover an even better you!

Redefine Your Look
There are many ways to improve your image, but start where you can actually see the change. Get a makeover – whether you are male or female – to get a refreshing look. Ladies, try some new makeup colors and apply them in a complimenting manner. Gentlemen, learn new ways to care for your skin and prolong the aging process.

When was the last time you checked into a day spa to try out the ultimate in relaxation techniques? Your skin, muscles and spirit will greatly appreciate the attention from trained professionals working to make your experience an enjoyable one. Also, if you take a flashback in time when setting foot in your closet, consider the advantages of updating your wardrobe. Find classic clothes that flatter your build and your personality while incorporating some of the latest trends.

Eat Healthy
As people age, they tend to eat less. Did you know that, according to the Mayo Clinic, about 85 percent of adults in long term care places and over half of all seniors receiving care at home suffer from under-nutrition and malnutrition? Though you may not be in that age group or scenario, awareness can help you prepare for the future. If you are not already doing so, eat three meals a day to let your body receive the nutrients and energy it requires to function.

Make each meal colorful by eating different fruits, vegetables, meats and grains. A variety of foods helps ensure that your body receives the necessary nutrients. For the elements you might not be receiving each day, take vitamins. They will help your body stay strong and healthy.

In addition, if you are one of the many Americans not following the 5-a-day rule, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. Most adults need at least five servings on fruits and vegetables to meet their dietary needs. Also, drinking water and natural juices will help your body carry available nutrients to the areas they are needed within your body.

Get Active
Though the television networks do a great job of entertaining the nation, there are some things to be said about getting off the couch periodically to get your heart rate going. Incorporate a workout routine into your lifestyle to strengthen your skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. Choose activities you enjoy, like running, walking, swimming or cycling.

Have you tried taking a class like yoga or Pilates? Stretching one or more times a day will improve your posture, relieve your muscles and relax your body – particularly after a cardiovascular workout. If the idea of acquiring a more active lifestyle does not sound appealing, find a workout buddy. Accountability helps you stay on track!

Culture Changes
With so many ideas of changing your lifestyle to improve yourself, consider the advantages of trying some other new things. Travel to destinations you have always wanted to visit. Whether it is within your own city or state, the nation or another continent, traveling to see a new site provides a look at new cultures, sounds and experiences.

While you are trying out new things, discover a new hobby. If you have always considered horseback riding but never tried it, sign up for some lessons. Reading books, sewing, gardening, woodworking, fishing, cooking, golfing and much more make great hobbies. Try something new!

Companionship is something that many people look for in life. Consider visiting friends and family on a regular basis. Catching up on good times and making new memories never gets old. Another idea for seeking companionship is to get a dog or cat. Man’s best friend makes a great walking or running partner while felines make the perfect napping buddy. Both offer entertainment and company.

Entering the middle and later parts of life offers a world full of new experiences. Redefining your look, eating healthy, getting active and widening your cultural experiences combine to create a stronger you who is up for the every day adventures that are bound to head your way. It is advisable to consult with your doctor about any major lifestyle changes to ensure that your body is up for the new challenges, but you are certain to find things that appeal to your interests and abilities. Over the hill does not mean that you have to slam on the brakes of life. Keep running to and improve how you see the world and how it sees you.

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