Member Spotlight: Consummate Creative


Member Spotlight: Consummate Creative

Scott Ford has been an NASE Member since 2005. He owns Twerp in Hollywood, Calif.

Tell us about your business.

Established in 1997, Twerp is a creative consulting company specializing
in art direction and design for print media as well as a high-end web developer with emphasis on server-side software products and social networks. We help corporations, startups, and small businesses and nonprofits get their creative ducks in a row and help our clients create stunning creative for their brands.

What’s the genesis of the name “Twerp”?

“Twerp” is a tip-of-the-hat to all those unpopular nerds that got picked on in grade school, but turned out later to be the ones everybody wished they were as cool as. Twerp was a super-hero character I created in the sixth grade and was going to be featured in a graphic novel. But, my business partner liked the name and talked me into using it for the company. As Twerp grew into developing creative for the latest technologies, plus the fact that we annoy the competition with our low prices and top-notch talent (read: little overhead + all the good talent are free agents,) the name has become a perfect fit over the years. I’m sure the creative director at that big agency down the street has called me a twerp a few times.

What’s the best thing about being self-employed?

The best thing about being self-employed is being in control of my own time management. Time is way more valuable than money. In fact, I can actually choose to make less money than being at a big design firm in exchange for more free time, so that I can do the things in life that I enjoy. Then when it comes time to work again, I am fresh and ready for the next creative challenge.

What advice would you offer to your fellow NASE Members?

I’ve been in business for 16 years now. I have never advertised my services even once. The secret to my business has been creating happy customers who tell their friends. To do that, my advice would be to only promise what you know you can deliver on budget and on time, but push yourself to deliver something 10 times better. You will surprise your client and yourself. Learn to improvise at the drop of a dime—that’s what small businesses can do that large corporations cannot. It’s like being in a jazz band instead
of a symphony. If you are not taking risks and doing things that are out
of your comfort zone, you’re not doing it right.


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