Ty Kiisel on NASE.org


This page is all about the people that make the National Association for the Self-Employed as well as the many businesses it helps each day as great as it is.

To each and every contributor, we say Thank You!


Ty Kiisel

Content Director
As a marketing professional I've spent the last 12 years of my career creating dynamic content marketing strategies and successfully executing on those strategies with hundreds of thoughtful, informative, and relevant content pieces that speak to the information needs of my customers. Informative and relevant content wins organic search results and rings at the cash register.

The last four plus years I've taken a corporate blog and evolved it into a robust resource center with nearly 900 pieces of thoughtful and helpful content for small businesses that captured a 37% year over year increase in organic search traffic. Combined with a new SEO strategy, this content not only generated organic traffic to our website, it also won a 31% increase in closed/won business attributed directly to SEO.

I've led teams of writers, designers, and other marketers to increase productivity, advance their careers, and make a positive impact on the bottom line. At Response, I was able to lead my team to a doubling of creative output in 12 months. I'm convinced that by empowering individuals we make powerful teams and organizations.

In addition to content marketing, my role in Social Outreach and as Director of Content marketing has included leading public relations and analyst relations teams, and included building a respected business to business social media presence.

Most people want to contribute to something bigger than themselves and few people show up to work every day wanting to fail. How we lead teams and execute on initiatives either facilitates success or drives failure. I believe that’s what separates the leaders from the managers—and a company's best performers from those who struggle.

A good leader inspires the team to achieve things together that we couldn’t do on our own. Great organizations recognize and encourage this.

Courtesy of NASE.org