Does this sound familiar?
You are good at what you do, but for some reason, your sales are not where you want them to be. You’re working hard; however, you haven’t reached the goals you set for yourself. You are busy one month, but nothing is coming in the door the next.
As a Small Business Owner, you likely have a business plan with goals embedded. Some goals require you to become a salesperson. Salespeople have a unique skill set that help them build relationships with customers and persuade them to purchase their product or service. Skills like prospecting, client communication, building rapport, negotiating, and listening skills are critical in achieving sales goals.
If you have questions pertaining to prospecting strategies, preparing for objections, or closing techniques, reach out to the NASE Sales Growth Expert.
If you’re selling a product or service, you need to get the sales experience right. Start with the basics and grow from there. Below are a few questions that have been asked and answered by the NASE Sales Growth Expert.
Smart questions to ask,
- How Can I get better at prospecting?
- How do I gain control over my sales and my sales cycle?
- How do I gain more confidence and get comfortable with prospects?
- How can I set more appointments and close more sales?
- My business is new, what sales strategies should I use when selling my widget?
- How do I get past the gatekeeper?
- Do scripts really work?
- Most of my calls go to voicemail, what do I do?
- Are there inexpensive ways to track my sales results?
- Can you suggest a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) to use?
- How do I expand my market?
- Are there ways to market my product/service on a shoestring budget?