How to Run An eCommerce Business the Right Way

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How to Run An eCommerce Business the Right Way

Mar 23, 2023

The eCommerce industry has been growing consistently for years now because of how convenient it is for customers. Not only is online shopping more straightforward, but it also gives consumers access to hundreds of stores instead of the few that are in the area. However, this continued growth isn’t all good news for online business owners and new startups. eCommerce’s success has brought a level of competition to the industry that has never been seen before. For this reason, it is more important now than ever to understand how to run an eCommerce business the right way. 

Quick eCommerce Tips

Let’s start with some quick eCommerce tips that any online store can use to increase its engagement and attract more customers. These might seem like small pointers, but the truth is they go a long way to building a successful online business. Online shoppers expect a high level of quality from the stores they engage with, and these tips will add some extra polish to your online store.

Offer Different Payment Options

Offering different payment options at checkout is an easy way to make your online store more accessible. While it is true that most online shoppers use a debit or credit card, you want to avoid alienating those that do not. Some online shoppers still prefer to use electronic checks for large purchases because of the level of safety they provide. Younger, tech-savvy audiences might appreciate the opportunity to pay for their products in a cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. Allowing different payment options at checkout also enables you to offer and accept gift cards that are exclusive to your store. 

But there is more to offering different payment options than just allowing different payment methods. If your business deals with luxury goods or other expensive products, you’ll also want to consider offering payment plans. A payment plan allows online shoppers to cover a portion of their total order upfront and pay the rest of it over a period of several months. By offering a few different payment plans for the customer to choose from, you can make your products affordable for a wider range of online shoppers.

Use High-quality Product Photos

In brick and mortar stores, people are able to physically interact with the products they intend to buy. Unfortunately, the only way online stores can provide this experience is with a free trial which can be expensive and time-consuming. The only tool online shoppers have to decide if a product is high-quality is the photos the website provides. That’s why it is so important to use high-resolution photos for every product featured on your online store. The easier it is for online shoppers to see every detail of your products, the better they’ll understand them.

Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search

In 2023, a significant portion of online shopping is done on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. Because of this, you need to ensure that your website works just as well on an iPhone as it does on a desktop PC. Many online businesses go so far as to build an app dedicated to their online store. Apps are powerful tools for eCommerce businesses because they enable the company to create an online shopping experience exactly as they imagine it. Mobile shopping apps are clean, intuitive ways to offer your products to online shoppers directly on their devices.

But, believe it or not, sales enablement consultants have already identified the next big trend in search engine optimization. Many experts believe that optimizing your online store for voice-enabled search is important in 2023. There are a growing number of voice-activated devices across the globe. Smartphones, smart speakers, and virtual assistant devices are only becoming more accessible and, as a result, are being used more often than ever. Optimizing your online store for voice search will give your business access to a new and growing audience of online shoppers. 

Define Your eCommerce Business Idea

The first step to building a successful online business is to get a clear idea of what it will look like and how it will function. One of the most important factors in defining your business idea is identifying your target audience. A target audience is a specific subsection of online shoppers that are most likely to be interested in your business and buy a product. Your target audience will depend heavily on the product you offer and the price it is available for. To get an idea of who your target audience is, ask yourself what kind of person would most appreciate your products. Once you have an image of the perfect customer in your mind, take note of their most important characteristics. Here is a list of some common market demographics:

  • Age

  • Income

  • Location

  • Hobbies & Interests

  • Morals

Optimize Order Fulfillment

Your company’s ability to meet its fulfillment needs is arguably the most important component of its success. Without a solid shipping strategy, your business will fall behind and disappoint many of its customers. Fortunately, there are tools you can use to optimize your order fulfillment process and stay ahead of the curve. Services like ShippingEasy can automatically generate labels which will save you a lot of time and stress. Additionally, these services can help you find cheaper rates with leading carrier services because their large volume of shipments allows them to negotiate for better prices on your behalf.

Meet The Author:

Nick Rojas

Nick Rojas

Nick Andrew Rojas is a business consultant turned journalist who loves working with small and medium-sized companies. He has contributed to many publications such as Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, and Yahoo. In his spare time, he hangs out at the beach with his dog Presto.


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