NASE leads Small Business Coalition Letter on Thoughtful Approach to Regulating Big Tech

NASE Advocacy Efforts

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Through NASE, the self-employed and micro-businesses have a powerful voice representing their interests. NASE has a strong track record of advocating for its Members on Capitol Hill.

NASE leads Small Business Coalition Letter on Thoughtful Approach to Regulating Big Tech

NASE, a founding member of the Small Business Roundtable, worked with its SBR partners to submit the below letter to Congressional leaders on the upcoming legislative discussions around regulating "Big Tech"-  the letter attempted to highlight the areas in which there is agreement on related to the power of technology and digital tools, specifically the letter addressed:

We agree: We are living in a new unprecedented time where technology and
innovative digital tools play an outsized role in our lives and in the market. We need to
find a new way to regulate this and update rules to make a more level playing field for
small businesses.

We agree: Online marketplaces have dramatically lowered barriers for small
businesses, resulting in even more competition that has benefited consumers. The
number of American small and medium sized business (SMBs) selling on these new
platforms has grown exponentially.

But, above all we agree: The story here is not black and white. Writing a new set of
rules in a vacuum doesn’t help entrepreneurship or small business. Neither does
ignoring the fact that new rules are needed to build a more equitable economy than the
one we had before Covid-19.

We look forward to working with Congress on this important and timely policy debate.

SBR Sign on Letter: Common Ground

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