Through NASE, the self-employed and micro-businesses have a powerful voice representing their interests. NASE has a strong track record of advocating for its Members on Capitol Hill.
Today, the NASE announced its endorsement of two, bipartisan bills aimed at curbing the new Department of Treasury 1099-K reporting thresholds set to go into effect at the end of 2023. The NASE has long expressed its concerns with increased thresholds, lowering both the dollar value and eliminating the threshold number. For many entrepreneurs who operated in the vintage or re-sale space this is not only burdensome but potentially confusing and could serve as a deterrent for these entrepreneurs. Therefore, the NASE has offered its full support to legislative efforts to increase those thresholds. In the Senate, the Red Tape Reduction Act, and in the House, the Cut Red Tape for Online Sales Act. We look forward to working in a bicameral way to advance these efforts. Letters of endorsement Cut Red Tape for Online Sales Act Red Tape Reduction Act
The only national organization that pro-actively helps you grow your business and your bottom line. is the official website of the National Association for the Self-Employed.
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