From The President: That’s The Spirit!


From The President: That’s The Spirit!

The entrepreneurial spirit might have been a bit shaken during the past few troubling years. But, it’s alive and thriving nowadays.

The articles in this issue of Self-Employed prove my point.

Just take a look at our cover article on Page 16. NASE Members show that the competitive fire is still burning strong. And they share their best tips for keeping your micro-business on the cutting edge.

Be sure to check out the article about financing on Page 20. Even though traditional credit sources appear to have run dry, entrepreneurs are relearning the value of bootstrapping as a way to finance their businesses.

Or take online social networking. While big corporations can foot the bill for big advertising campaigns, small companies have embraced networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Our article on Page 12 shows you how entrepreneurs are finding creative, effective ways to use no-cost social networking.

In fact, we believe that social media is a cornerstone for micro-business marketing. That’s why the NASE launched the Water Cooler, a social network exclusively for NASE Members. At the Water Cooler you can market your products and services to other NASE Members. You can share your marketing message via your blog. You can post photos of your products. And so much more. Read the article on Page 24 to find out how the Water Cooler can boost your bottom line.

To help encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in the next generation, each year the NASE proudly gives scholarships to the deserving students of our members. This year Zachary Gosling was awarded the NASE Future Entrepreneur scholarship in part because of his entrepreneurial attitude and drive. You can read all about him and the other scholarship recipients starting on Page 8.

So three cheers for the enduring entrepreneurial spirit . . . and to all of you who work so hard to keep it alive.


Robert Hughes

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