Small Changes Still Needed To Nation's Health Care Law


Small Changes Still Needed To Nation's Health Care Law

For Immediate Release: Contact:  Kristin Oberlander
(202) 466-2100
[email protected]
Twitter: NASEtweets

On One-Year Anniversary Of Health Care Reform Law, Small Businesses Still Find Themselves Unable To Afford Coverage

Washington, D.C., March 22, 2011 - Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the NASE, released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act:

“Health care reform has been aggressively promoted under the mantra of ‘affordable’ for the past year,” said Arslan. “Unfortunately, affordable is relative and coverage is still out of reach for many of the nation’s 23 million self-employed business owners. On the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, the nation’s smallest businesses are counting on Congress to finalize a repeal of the onerous and costly IRS Form 1099 reporting requirement that was contained in the law as well as make the temporary self-employed heath insurance tax deduction permanent. While these actions won’t help every small business owner afford coverage, it’s a step in the right direction.”

NASE and other small business advocates are fighting to make this year’s temporary self-employed health insurance tax deduction permanent. While every other type of business, including corporations and partnerships, can write off the cost of health coverage as a business expense, our nation’s smallest businesses were only granted a one-year opportunity. Kristie argues this point in her latest Huffington Post blog piece.

About the NASE
The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, bringing a broad range of benefits to help entrepreneurs succeed and to drive the continued growth of this vital segment of the American economy. The NASE is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit organization and provides big-business advantages to hundreds of thousands of micro-businesses across the United States. For more information, visit the association's Web site at

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