NASE Joins NAWBO in a Letter to Congressional Leaders


NASE Joins NAWBO in a Letter to Congressional Leaders

On Thursday, June 24, NASE joined the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) in calling for two important policy initiatives to be prioritized in the next round of COVID relief legislation.

For the NASE and NAWBO, we believe it is imperative to include the following in the next COVID relief package:

Inclusion of the Ensuring Increased Disaster Loans (EIDL) for Small Businesses of Act (S. 4227):
By the lifting caps and infusing more money on the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program and the EIDL Advance Program, our business owners will remain open by using these long-term, low-interest loans that do not require a relationship with a financial institution. 

Inclusion of Small Business Expense Protection Act of 2020 (S.3612):
As our business owners climb the uphill battle to stay open, this proposal would allow businesses to deduct expenses paid with a forgiven PPP loan from their taxes.

We are hopeful that congressional leaders will support these two important legislative priorities and include them in the next round of COVID relief  package. 

NAWBO-NASE Letter to Leadership

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