The NASE provides the convenience of membership auto-renewal so that
your benefits and services will not be disrupted or cancelled. You may cancel your membership at any time by calling Member Services. If you have questions, please call our Member
Services Center at 800.649.6273 M-F 7 am - 6 pm CST.
Membership payment entitles a member to the benefits of the selected membership for the life of the membership. If the member elects to withdraw from membership at any time prior to
the membership end date, the dues will not be prorated or refunded in whole or in part.
The NASE reserves the right at its sole discretion to add or subtract benefits.
NASE dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution, but may be deductible
as a business expense. A portion of your dues go to the NASE's legislative
efforts and are not deductible. The percentage of dues for a taxable year which
are nondeductible will be posted by January 31 of the following year on For another method of notice, please contact the NASE at
This authorization will remain in effect until the National Association
for the Self-Employed has received notification from me that it is to be
terminated in such time and manner for the company to act on it. I have the
right to stop payment of a debit entry by notification to depository at such
time as to afford depository a reasonable opportunity to act on it prior to
charging my account. After my account has been charged, I have the right to have
the amount of an erroneous debit immediately credited to my account by
depository, provided I send written notice of such erroneous debit to depository
within 15 days following issuance of the account statement or 45 days after
posting, whichever comes first.