Don’t Let Departing Employees Get Away With The GoodsThink of all the critical information your home-based business generates: intellectual property, sensitive customer data, financial reports, and that incredible marketing campaign you’re launching next quarter. Now think of those assets leaving with a departing employee and the potential scenarios that could result. Gives you the shivers, right? Published on July 29, 2011 |
Biz Apps For Your iPhoneWhether you’re in your home office or on the go, these top-notch iPhone apps are guaranteed to help you manage your schedule, organize your data and optimize your workflow. Check Apple’s App Store for up-to-the-minute price info. Published on September 13, 2010 |
E-Waste Is Not a Dirty WordWhat are you supposed to do with broken or outdated office equipment? Fortunately, there are an increasing number of eco-friendly ways to dispose of this waste without hurting the environment. Published on July 12, 2010 |