Statement: One-Year Tax Extension Continues Short-Sighted PolicyToday, President Barack Obama announced he will support a 1-year tax cut extension for earners making $250,000 or less, Kristie Arslan, President and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) reacted today with weariness over one more temporary fix in the tax code. Published on July 09, 2012 |
Self-Employed To Congress: Address Deficit NowMicro-businesses and the self-employed believe that spending for domestic programs, job creation initiatives, tax cuts and federal subsidies should be scaled back to address the deficit, according to a recent survey by the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE). Published on May 17, 2011 |
The Small Business Case for Extending Tax Cuts (Huffington Post)Congress has important work to finish before the 111th Congress comes to a close. Much of its agenda includes priorities that are critical to the nation's smallest businesses. Published on December 08, 2010 |
NASE Applauds President And Congressional Leaders For Bush-Era Tax CompromiseKristie Arslan, Executive Director of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement on the compromise between President Obama and Congressional leaders on extending the Bush-era tax cuts, leading the way for economic relief for the small business community and the middle-class... Published on December 07, 2010 |
NASE Applauds Supportive Comments By President On Small BizKristie Arslan, Executive Director of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), released the following statement after the President delivered supportive comments on small business priorities at a press conference earlier today... Published on November 03, 2010 |