Self-Employed Struggle In Bad Economy (Deseret News)NASE is quoted in a Salt Lake City, Utah news outlet on the self employed and this economy. Published on October 05, 2011 |
LLCs Are Worth a Look (Kiplinger)The simplicity and benefits of LLCs are spurring more businesses to set them up. “Is there a growing trend? Yes. The growing trend for the last few years has been the limited liability company,” says Gene Fairbrother, a small business consultant for the National Association for the Self-Employed. Published on September 15, 2009 |
S.F. Diner's Pickle - Opening In Hungry Times (San Francisco Chronicle)The NASE's Gene Fairbrother offers advice for businesses struggling in the economic downturn:
- Get together with other retailers to create a joint marketing program.
- Offer specials that will draw people in.
- And more! Published on October 05, 2008 |