Making Your Home Office Work For YouDespite some seemingly “too good to be true” perks, establishing, maintaining, and working from a home office can have its challenges. Knowing what your needs are will help you navigate these issues and have a productive and pleasant workspace. Published on May 02, 2013 |
Stop Playing Chicken With America's Future (Huffington Post)In a blog posting on Huffington Post, President & CEO Kristie Arslan outlines five immediate pro-active steps Congress can take to ensuring America's self-employed, America's smallest business, are successful enterprises. Published on December 10, 2012 |
Don’t Let Departing Employees Get Away With The GoodsThink of all the critical information your home-based business generates: intellectual property, sensitive customer data, financial reports, and that incredible marketing campaign you’re launching next quarter. Now think of those assets leaving with a departing employee and the potential scenarios that could result. Gives you the shivers, right? Published on July 29, 2011 |
School’s Out!It’s the big challenge every summer for self-employed parents who work from home: How to keep the kids busy during those hot, school-less days...and run a business at the same time. Published on June 06, 2011 |
Not A PicassoOne of the benefits of working from a home office is the freedom to decorate as you please. Choosing artwork may sound like serious business, but it doesn’t have to be. Nor does art need to be a big investment. Published on March 17, 2011 |
Think Like A Project Manager Most home-based businesses are long on projects and short on project managers. The good news is that the basics of effective project management are simple and intuitive, and they can be applied to almost any project, regardless of size or scope. Published on February 25, 2011 |
Reduce These Hidden CostsFinding ways to cut unnoticed home office costs can improve your profits. Published on November 23, 2010 |
Biz Apps For Your iPhoneWhether you’re in your home office or on the go, these top-notch iPhone apps are guaranteed to help you manage your schedule, organize your data and optimize your workflow. Check Apple’s App Store for up-to-the-minute price info. Published on September 13, 2010 |
Perfect PitchA well-crafted elevator pitch is an essential networking tool that home business owners can use in social situations, online profiles and even marketing materials. Here are five tips that will help you make sure your first impressions are pitch-perfect.
Published on July 12, 2010 |
Social Media Safety: 4 TipsMany home-based business owners are leveraging social networking tools like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter to boost their bottom line. In the same spirit, entrepreneurial thieves are using the sites to look for new business while minimizing the risk of getting caught. Published on May 13, 2010 |
Risky BusinessMicro-business owners inevitably assume risks in their pursuit of rewards. To slash the odds of a setback—or worse, a crisis—it’s wise to prevent accidents before they happen. Published on March 05, 2010 |
Senate Introduces Home Office Deduction Bill The majority of micro-businesses are operated out of a home office, yet the home office deduction has become wrapped in enough regulatory red tape to turn those business owners away from the tax benefit. New legislation could help home-based businesses save nearly $1,500 on their taxes next year. Published on October 09, 2009 |
Legislators Take On Home Office DeductionNew legislation could help self-employed business owners who work from a home office save an additional $1,500 on their taxes next year. Published on September 25, 2009 |
Brainstorming SoloWe all know being creative isn’t easy, and it can be especially challenging for folks who work in home offices with nary a brainstorming partner nearby. Here are five tips for sparking creativity even when you work alone. Published on August 31, 2009 |
Can You Take The Home Office Deduction?Can you or can’t you take the home office deduction? This is one of the most vexing questions faced by home-based business owners. Published on July 01, 2009 |