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Health Reform Law Will Require Self-Employed To Purchase Less Flexible, More Expensive Coverage

In less than two and a half years, the vast majority of the self-employed and micro-businesses (fewer than ten employees) will be required by law to purchase health coverage that will likely be more expensive and less flexible than their current plan.

Published on July 13, 2011

SELFMADE Related Blog Posts

7 Negotiation Techniques for Small Business Owners

Small business is entrenched into America. Starting a company from scratch and building it into something formidable is the embodiment of the American dream. There has been a substantial amount of speculation since the 2008 economic recession that this dream is largely dead, however, hard data proves otherwise. Small businesses built from the ground up have generated over 65 percent of the net new jobs since 1995. These same businesses continue to produce upwards of 50 percent of the private non-farm GDP.

Published on December 12, 2016

What if One Day and $99 Could Change Your Business Forever?

Every savvy business owner loves a great deal, and we’ve got one for you. As we approach the holiday season, I want to share with you about an amazing event that NASE is proud to be a part of. The Abounding Business Conference is a day of empowerment for small business owners, coming to 10 cities across the US in 2016 and we are excited to be a part of it. I would like to invite you to come out and hear our President & CEO, Keith Hall, along with several other business leaders.

Published on December 04, 2015

What do Uber, FedEx and Lowe’s have in common?

Worker classification is front-page news these days as companies like Uber, FedEx, and Lowe’s face misclassification lawsuits. If you engage with freelancers, consultants, or any type of independent contractor, proper classification is critical. Unfortunately, the rules around classification are not easy to interpret. The NASE’s President & CEO Keith Hall is joining an expert panel for a free webinar where listeners will learn information to help protect their business from massive fines, unnecessary hassles, and lawsuits like the ones you've heard about in the news.

Published on December 03, 2015

Ensuring The Healthcare System Works For All

The United States Supreme Court’s recent, historic decision in King v. Burwell, upholding the right of federal premium assistance, guaranteed millions of Americans the right to keep their healthcare. Last month’s ruling, along with the previous 2012 Supreme Court decision affirming the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, was a profound victory for the ideal that healthcare should be a right of all Americans – rich or poor, individual or small business owner. These decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court mark the existence – and importance -- of the nation’s new healthcare system by keeping the law in tact and establishing a precedent for future debates regarding healthcare in America.

Published on July 28, 2015

Prospecting Isn't an Event; It's a Campaign!

Bill is responsible for sales at his company and considers himself a tenacious worker. Whenever he discovers a new prospect, he enters him or her into the system. From there, he will attempt to contact that person by phone, through email and even via office visit if possible. However, after a number of failed attempts, Bill is likely to toss the person into the sea of dead prospects.

Published on January 16, 2015

Women Entrepreneurs: An Exploding Small Business Demographic

With just days until the midterm elections, you can definitely count on one demographic group to show up at the polls: women small business owners. By an overwhelming margin -- 86 percent -- women entrepreneurs intend to go to the polls to cast their ballots across this nation. And who will win their support? They plan tovote for candidates who have a pro-business agenda that supports policies to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.

Published on November 04, 2014

Three Buckets of Small Business Attention

The small business community, including self-employed and micro-businesses, welcomed a major benefit this tax year: a new, streamlined IRS home office standardized deduction. The new, standardized deduction is available to small business owners and the self-employed as an option for the 2013 tax year (returns filed in 2014).

Published on October 22, 2014

Overcoming Overload Through Classification

You do your best as a self-employed professional, but some days you are simply swamped by too much competing for your attention. When a flood of items compete for your attention, each item can loom larger in importance than it actually is. Here is a classification system to help you maintain perspective:

Published on September 29, 2014

Women and the Small Business Workforce

From Yahoo's Marissa Mayer to Ursula Burns at Xerox and PepsiCo's Indra Nooyi, women capture an ever-growing number of top spots at leading corporations -- internationally and in the United States. Compared to the 1960's when women were barred from certain jobs, we have made great strides in earning management positions at various levels to running the show. But despite the gains over the last fifty years, women still only account for 24 of the Fortune 500's Chief Executive Officer positions.

Published on August 13, 2014

Passing the Health Care Buck

Posted by Katie Vlietstra-- By now, we've all heard about the challenges and the ups-and-downs of the new health care law. From cancelled plans to delayed programs and technical glitches in online applications, the Affordable Care Act has had its share of problems. However, in the end, the Affordable Care Act -- or ACA -- has turned out to help millions of Americans young and old. Far from perfect, the Department of Health and Human Services declared success with over eight million people enrolled, and over 30 percent being young Americans aged 18-34.

Published on June 25, 2014

Will You Support Your Favorite Small Business?

It could be your local cupcake shop, neighborhood deli or even your friendly accountant -- all local entrepreneurs fueling not only their local economies, but our national economy as well. One of the things they all have in common is that they are part of a growing movement in America called the small business community. With every dollar you invest in a local, small business, the true entrepreneurial spirit of America continues to thrive. According to the Small Business Administration, more than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.

Published on May 13, 2014

Encouraging Self-Employment Should Be a Focal Point of the New Small Business Administrator

Posted by Katie Vlietstra-- The Small Business Administration (SBA) is our nation's direct link between the administration and America's small business community. The agency provides benefits such as advocacy and support, loans and access to capital and entrepreneurial development to ensure the small business community continues to move our economy forward.

Published on April 18, 2014

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