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No More IOUs

When NASE Member Heather Angel Chandler started her business, Innovative Multimedia Group in San Antonio, Texas, she put $15,000 on credit cards to buy high-definition video equipment. That was in 2007. Chandler paid off the debt and now only buys equipment she can pay for with cash.

Published on October 30, 2009

DEBT Related Blog Posts

Escaping Debt: A Short Overview for Businesses

Debt is a scary word for many people. Add in the fact that you are self-employed, and it can be downright terrifying! While there is no one easy solution to getting out of debt, this overview will give you a few ideas on where to start. So take a deep breath, and read on!

Published on August 14, 2022

Reducing the National Debt While Keeping Small Businesses Top of Mind [Commentary]

Published on November 17, 2011

Understanding The Credit Rating Of The U.S.

Published on August 03, 2011

Credit Card Debt Significantly Influences New Companies' Survival [Study]

Published on August 11, 2009

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