NASE Statement On 2012 Election The 2012 election will be analyzed for many months; however, the real work begins today. The NASE will aggressively champion the self-employed and work to address the continued tax inequities and ensure a level, competitive business environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. Published on November 07, 2012 |
Self-Employed Head To Polls With Unanswered Questions (Yahoo! Small Business Advisor)NASE, which is non-partisan and does not endorse a candidate, promised to use the candidates' answers to educate and inform its membership about the positions of each on small business taxes and economic recovery "so that they may make the best decision for their business in November." But November is here and the answers never came. Published on November 02, 2012 |
Debate 3: Candidates Aren’t Asked, Talk Small Biz Anyway (Yahoo! Small Biz Vote)NASE is waiting for responses to questions it posed to each campaign. And although next week's debate will ask the candidates to discuss foreign policy, "10 days out from the election they'll probably spin their answers out to domestic issues," Vlietstra said. Published on October 17, 2012 |
Do Your Due Diligence This ElectionAs in many presidential elections, both sides are touting the importance of small business and offering plans to help them grow. The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is used to hearing lip service from politicians who say they want to help, but rarely follow through with policies for the self-employed. Published on October 04, 2012 |
What Can Congress Accomplish In 13 Workdays? (The Hill Congress Blog)In the 63 days between Labor Day and Election Day, Congress will spend 13 days in session working in Washington, D.C. – a relaxed work schedule by any measure. Published on September 12, 2012 |
Poll: High Cost Of College Education A Struggle For Self-Employed ParentsColleges and universities have been welcoming students back this fall in full force. Thirty-seven percent of self-employed families have a child that is working toward a degree this fall. The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) knows that financing one or more college educations can be tough for the small-business owner and conducted a poll to dig deeper into the impact. Published on August 31, 2012 |
Getting To Know The Health Reform Law, Part 5 - Health Care Reform And The ElectionPublished on August 04, 2012 |
Getting To Know The Health Reform Law, Part 4 - Grandfathered PlansPublished on August 03, 2012 |
7 Ways to Help Entrepreneurs Help the Economy (The Atlantic)The most important challenge for entrepreneurs isn't starting a company, but growing it from three employees to 30 ... to 300, to 3,000. Published on June 15, 2011 |