“Keeping The Health Plan You Have” Not So Simple For EntrepreneursThe new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, offers entrepreneurs the choice to keep the plan that they already have, provided that it meets certain requirements. The trouble is that most entrepreneurs are uncertain that their plan will meet these new rules and how the changes required by the health reform law will affect their monthly premium costs. Published on August 18, 2010 |
Insurance Coverage For Young Adults: A Guide To Health Reform ChangesThe health reform law includes a provision allowing adult children to receive health coverage under their parents' insurance policies until age 26. Published on June 03, 2010 |
Micro-Business Owners Year In ReviewThe self-employed and micro-business owners continued to plan for business, educational and personal success in 2009. During that time, the NASE continued to be a resource for these businesses as they navigated the stormy waters of the nation’s economy with advice on survival and even success. Published on December 31, 2009 |
Bill Would Have Different Effects On Different People (USA TODAY)House and Senate to begin negotiations next month. People who buy health coverage on their own — not through an employer — would face some of the biggest changes under the health care bills. Published on December 28, 2009 |
National Association for the Self-Employed Statement on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590)The NASE's comments on the Senate health reform bill as amended by the Manager's Amendment. Published on December 22, 2009 |
Health Reform Update: Senate Debates Cost-Saver For Self-EmployedDemocratic Senators Mary Landrieu (La.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Debbie Stabenow (MI), Evan Bayh (Ind.) and Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) have introduced Tax Equity for the Self-Employed amendment (S. AMDT # 3013), which would allow sole proprietors to deduct as a business expense 50% of their health premium costs. This amendment is under consideration by the Senate for inclusion in the health reform package. Published on December 15, 2009 |
Small Biz Health Care Roundup (12/4)Here's a sampling of this week's top health care reform articles. If you find an article or blog that you think should be considered, drop us a line at media at NASE dot org. Published on December 04, 2009 |
Health Reform: More Of The Same From House LawmakersThe National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) was dismayed to see that lawmakers have once again failed to include provisions that will make a noticeable difference in the bottom line of the nation’s millions of self-employed business owners. Published on November 10, 2009 |
NASE Asks Legislators to Remember Self-Employed in Health ReformNASE comments on the House health care reform bill, the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962). Published on November 06, 2009 |
It’s (Big) Business As Usual In Washington, D.C., Says NASEThe NASE recently spoke out on current health care reform legislation, which is notably missing two items that would have a substantial effect on the affordability of coverage for the self-employed - allowing the self-employed to deduct their health care costs as a business expense and expanding eligibility of Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). Published on August 11, 2009 |
NASE and NAR Ask Legislators To Remember Self-EmployedAs Congress continues its important work on health care reform, the NASE and the NAR ask legislators that any final health reform measure address the unique problems experienced by America’s self-employed workforce. Published on July 20, 2009 |
NASE, Other Small Business Groups Write To Congress About Health ReformThe NASE, NFIB, and NSBA urge legislators to remember that our nation’s small businesses and the self-employed share a problem that plagues all of our members: the soaring cost of healthcare. Published on July 16, 2009 |
NASE Asks Senators To Lower Health Costs For Small Business The Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship recently held a roundtable to discuss the impact of various health reform proposals on small businesses. Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the Legislative Office for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), participated in the roundtable along with Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and other small business owners and advocates. Published on July 14, 2009 |
NASE Asks Senators To Lower Health Costs For Small Business The United States Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship recently held a roundtable to discuss the impact of various health reform proposals on small businesses. Kristie Arslan, Executive Director of the Legislative Office for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), participated in the roundtable along with Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and other small business owners and advocates. Published on July 11, 2009 |
Criticism of House Tri-Committee Health Care Draft at Ways and Means Hearing The House Committee on Ways and Means recently joined the long list of congressional committees talking about health care reform, holding a hearing entitled “Health Reform in the 21st Century: Proposals to Reform the Health System.” Published on June 29, 2009 |
CBO Estimates Senate Health Bill To Net Third Of Coverage Goal The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released a preliminary analysis of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s draft health care reform bill, finding that the proposal would provide insurance coverage to 39 million people who were not previously insured. Published on June 22, 2009 |