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NASE Statement On President Obama's Corporate Tax Reform Plan

"Today’s joint proposal by the White House and the Department of Treasury announcing recommendations for business tax reform must be called what it truly is, corporate tax reform exclusive to major corporations and large employers." Read the rest of the NASE's statement here.

Published on February 22, 2012

NASE Asks Legislators To Remember Self-Employed

The NASE reminds legislators that health care reform efforts must not forget the self-employed.

Published on June 25, 2009

Micro-Businesses Offer Strong Opinions On Health Reform Proposals

The nation’s entrepreneurs are ready for major changes to the American health care system, but are asking the federal government to implement various proposals to help them cope with the costs. Nearly 2,000 micro-businesses, including members of the National Association for the Self-Employed, took part in this national online survey of their opinions on current health care reform proposals.

Published on June 24, 2009

Report Says Health Care Reform Can Cut Small Business Costs, Save Jobs

A Small Business Majority found that health care reform would offer a significant economic benefit to small businesses.

Published on June 19, 2009

Senate HELP Committee Hears Many Opinions On Health Reform

Witnesses from across the health care sector expressed a wide variety of opinions about health care reform while testifying before the Senate HELP Committee at a recent hearing.

Published on June 19, 2009

House Subcommittee Considers Single Payer Health Care System

The HELP Subcommittee of the House Education and Labor Committee recently held a hearing to examine the option of a single payer health care system.

Published on June 19, 2009

Small -Business Owners Tell Congress They Cannot Wait For Health Reform

Small business owners testified at a recent House Small Business Committee hearing to ask Congress to quickly enact health care reform.

Published on June 19, 2009

Report Projects Economic Benefits From Health Care Reform

The President's Council of Economic Advisers recently released a report projecting that a failure to enact federal health care reform could negatively impact the economy.

Published on June 19, 2009

Americans Cannot Afford To Wait For Health Reform, Study Says

According to a study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the number of Americans without health insurance could double over the next decade if federal health care reform is not enacted.

Published on June 19, 2009

REFORM Related Blog Posts

Main Street Or Wall Street? Why Not Both?

Published on March 13, 2012

Small Biz Health Care Roundup (11/20)

Published on November 20, 2009

Small Biz Health Care Roundup (10/30)

Published on October 30, 2009

Self-Employed Health Reform Teleconference Series

Published on October 20, 2009

Small Biz Health Care Roundup (8/14)

Published on August 14, 2009

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