TAX PREPARATION Related News Articles

Tax Preparation Guide for Small Business Owners

Tax season is upon us, and it can be a tricky time for small business owners and people who are self-employed. With income from multiple sources, plus expenses, deductions, and investments, navigating your taxes can take precious time you likely just don’t have. Here’s a guide to make preparing your taxes just a little bit easier—think of it as an entrepreneur’s roadmap on the journey to stress-free taxes.

Published on February 27, 2018

New Tax Law

Question: So...Exactly WHAT am I supposed to be doing with regard to the new tax law? Answer: First of all Happy New Year and welcome to 2018. It is gonna be a good year!!! Regardless of all other factors from this point forward, we will indeed have a new tax code for 2018. I am totally sure you have heard more than you would normally choose to hear about taxes and will undoubtedly continue to hear more. Just in case, here is a summary of the biggest changes…

Published on January 30, 2018

New Law Increases Paperwork for Self-Employed Over A Thousand Percent

According to a new law set to go into effect in 2012, business owners will be required to submit a Form 1099 for every payment made via check or credit card to vendors for services, inventory or property over $600 annually.

Published on May 26, 2010

IRS Recommends New Requirements For Tax Return Preparers

In June 2009, IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman called for a comprehensive review of the paid tax return preparer industry, drawing on all relevant data and input from interested parties. Based on this review, the IRS has announced a number of steps that it plans to implement for future filing seasons. These steps will not be in effect for the current 2010 filing season.

Published on January 08, 2010

TAX PREPARATION Related Blog Posts

Do I Really Need a CPA?

Published on August 15, 2012

Heard Around the Water Cooler

Published on July 13, 2010

Promoting Entrepreneurship by Fixing a Broken Schedule C Tax Filing System [GUEST POST]

Published on February 17, 2010

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