Third ACA Webinar Focuses on AffordabilityNASE continued its health care reform webinar series on Wednesday, solely focused on the affordability provisions included in the ACA, including premium assistance credits and small business credits. Published on October 05, 2012 |
Missed NASE's First Health Care Reform Webinar?On Wednesday, September 19, 2012, the NASE Advocacy team hosted the first in a five-part webinar series on the Affordable Care Act and its impact on the self-employed. Published on September 20, 2012 |
House Ways and Means Committee Holds Hearing on ExchangesToday, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) respectfully submits this official statement for the record on today’s hearing Implementation of Health Insurance Exchanges and Related Provisions. Published on September 12, 2012 |
Self-Employed Divided On Support For ACA In the wake of the Supreme Court’s final ruling on the Affordable Care Act, the self-employed and micro-businesses are concerned as to the impact the law will have on their health care budgets when the law goes into full effect in 2014. Nearly 900 self-employed and micro-business owners responded to the survey released within hours of the Supreme Court ruling. Published on July 02, 2012 |
Affordable Care Act - Supreme Court Ruling And NASE SurveyPublished on June 27, 2012 |
NASE To Congress: Extend Expiring And Expired Small Biz Tax CutsToday, the House Ways and Means Committee is holding a hearing on the exploration of expiring tax cut for small business owners. The NASE took this opportunity to submit a statement for the record regarding the importance of the continuity of these tax benefits. Published on April 26, 2012 |
NASE Lauds Senate For Introducing Small Business Tax Extenders ActThe NASE’s recent call to Congress to heed the Self-Employed Agenda focusing on taxes was heard this week in the Senate. Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Mary Landrieu (D-La.) introduced the Small Business Tax Extenders Act of 2012, which would continue some popular tax breaks for the self-employed and micro-businesses (10 or fewer employees) for an additional two years. Published on February 03, 2012 |
State Of The Union: A "Level Playing Field" Must Include The Self-Employed Agenda (Huffington Post)As President Obama readies his State of the Union address, news outlets are reporting that economic growth and taxation will be the focus of much of his remarks. The Self-Employed Agenda for 2012 includes the following items... Published on January 24, 2012 |
2011 Tax Changes For The Self-EmployedPrior to preparing 2011 tax forms, the self-employed and micro-businesses (fewer than 10 employees) should be aware of a number of tax law changes, but also must stay focused and connected for new changes that are inevitable during 2012. Published on January 10, 2012 |
2011 Tax Changes For The Self-EmployedPrior to preparing 2011 tax forms, the self-employed and micro-businesses (fewer than 10 employees) should be aware of a number of tax law changes, but also must stay focused and connected for new changes that are inevitable during 2012. Published on January 09, 2012 |
Kristie Arslan: Let’s Make Tax Code Fair For Small Businesses (Buffalo News Op-Ed)It is a sad, but true fact: Health insurance is a luxury item for many small business owners, purchased when times are good and forsaken when times are lean. Published on April 04, 2011 |
Small Changes Still Needed To Nation's Health Care LawKristie Arslan, Executive Director of the NASE, released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act... Published on March 22, 2011 |
Self-Employed Can Take 2010 Tax Deduction For Health Insurance Premiums (S. FL Sun-Sentinel)The 2010 deduction will put about 15 percent of the premium back in the pocket of the self-employed, said Kristie Arslan, executive director of the National Association for Self-Employed. Published on March 18, 2011 |
NASE Launches New Membership Offering And Redesigned Website For Small BusinessIn today’s difficult economy, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading nonprofit association representing America’s smallest businesses, is doing its part to support entrepreneurship with the launch of a new annual membership and redesigned website (, offering a more affordable and comprehensive suite of resources and services. Published on March 09, 2011 |
Tax Day: Let's Make the Tax Code Fair (Huffington Post)It is a sad, but true fact: health insurance is a luxury item for many small business owners, purchased when times are good and forsaken when times are lean. Published on March 08, 2011 |
House Introduces Tax Savings Legislation For The Self EmployedA longtime priority of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) has been introduced in the House. U.S. Reps. Wally Herger (R-Calif.) and Ron Kind (D-Wis.) have re-introduced legislation to address an unfair tax on health insurance premiums for the self-employed. Published on March 03, 2011 |
Commentary: Legislation Provides Needed Tax Breaks, Funding For Small Business (Capital Business)Last week, President Obama proposed to spur job growth in small businesses through an extension of a tax credit used when they spend money on research and innovation in the United States. While this is a step in the right direction, it will do little to help our constituents -- the self-employed. Published on September 13, 2010 |
“Keeping The Health Plan You Have” Not So Simple For EntrepreneursThe new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, offers entrepreneurs the choice to keep the plan that they already have, provided that it meets certain requirements. The trouble is that most entrepreneurs are uncertain that their plan will meet these new rules and how the changes required by the health reform law will affect their monthly premium costs. Published on August 18, 2010 |
America’s Smallest Businesses May Finally Get Much-Needed ReliefThe Senate is considering legislation called the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (H.R. 5297). This bill contains key provisions that may help America’s smallest businesses in this difficult economic climate, according to the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE). Published on July 13, 2010 |
Insurance Coverage For Young Adults: A Guide To Health Reform ChangesThe health reform law includes a provision allowing adult children to receive health coverage under their parents' insurance policies until age 26. Published on June 03, 2010 |
Bill Would Have Different Effects On Different People (USA TODAY)House and Senate to begin negotiations next month. People who buy health coverage on their own — not through an employer — would face some of the biggest changes under the health care bills. Published on December 28, 2009 |
President Obama Comments on Self-Employed and Health ReformPresident Obama addresses the concerns of a self-employed body shop owner during an interview on health care reform. Published on June 25, 2009 |
Micro-Businesses Offer Strong Opinions On Health Reform ProposalsThe nation’s entrepreneurs are ready for major changes to the American health care system, but are asking the federal government to implement various proposals to help them cope with the costs. Nearly 2,000 micro-businesses, including members of the National Association for the Self-Employed, took part in this national online survey of their opinions on current health care reform proposals. Published on June 24, 2009 |
Health Insurance Basics for Micro-businessAs a micro-business owner you confront many financial challenges. But none are more daunting - or more important - than finding and keeping affordable, quality health insurance. However, if you do your homework - the same way you would as if you were buying a brand new home or a car - you should be able to find a satisfactory coverage option. Published on April 07, 2009 |
Consumer-Directed Health PlansThe future of health care is here and it’s called “consumerism,” the same principle that drives your choice of supermarket each week. Learn more about consumer-directed health plans and health accounts such as HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs. Published on April 06, 2009 |
How Your State Affects Your Health InsuranceHealth insurance is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the United States. These regulations give consumers a measure of protection against unscrupulous business practices... Published on April 05, 2009 |
Assess Your Health Insurance NeedsWhen making a major purchase, such as buying a new car, you assess your needs. The same is true for purchasing health insurance. Published on April 04, 2009 |
Health Plan Comparison WorksheetUse this worksheet to compare the features and benefits of various health plans you are considering to help you determine which coverage will best meet your needs. Published on April 03, 2009 |
Shopping for Health InsuranceThere’s no doubt the Internet has changed the way people conduct business, including the way many of us shop for insurance. Ten years ago, there were only a handful of Web sites from which you could obtain an insurance quote. Today, there are hundreds. Published on April 02, 2009 |
Tips for Health Insurance Cost CuttingNobody has to tell you that your health insurance premiums have gone through the roof. Your wallet or pocketbook is already feeling the strain. Here are the top 10 ways you can reduce your health care costs.
Published on April 01, 2009 |
The Truth About Prescription DrugsGiven the brainpower and the billions of dollars the pharmaceutical industry devotes to developing new medicines, you’d think the latest brand-name drug is always the best for whatever ails you, despite the higher price tag. Studies say it isn’t necessarily so. Published on March 31, 2009 |
Wellness Boosts Health and Bottom LinePremiums for virtually all small group health plans are based on the health history, or “experience,” of the entire group. Major illnesses, such as a heart attack, or chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, can instantly spike up a plan’s rates. As a micro-business owner, it's crucial that you begin exploring ways to implement health and wellness strategies for your employees. Published on March 30, 2009 |
Health Insurance HelpSooner or later, everyone who has health insurance encounters questions about their coverage or has a claim denied. Fortunately, most questions are easily answered by calling your insurer’s member services number. But what if you, a family member, or one of your employees runs into a problem that is not so easily solved? Where can you go for help? Published on March 28, 2009 |
Creative Ways to Cut Costs (ABC News)The millions of Americans who are self-employed or unemployed can find the biggest savings. About 24 million Americans are part of families in that category, and they need to look for group health insurance.
These are plans that insure large numbers of individuals, at a discount, usually through a professional or trade association such as the National Association for the Self-Employed.
Published on January 13, 2008 |