NASE Through The Years... 1980s

NASE Through The Years... 1980s

The NASE Through The Years

Here are some of the highlights in the NASE's history.


  • The NASE Scholarship Program was started for dependents of NASE Members.


  • Capitol Hill discussions on health insurance issues utilized the NASE's data on availability and cost of health insurance for small businesses.
  • Membership in the NASE exceeded 100,000.


  • Membership climbed from 10,000 to 50,000 in two years.


  • The NASE was founded to bring collective buying power and clout to small businesses.

For more news about the NASE visit our press releases.

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Are your small business needs drowned out by the giant corporate interests appealing to Congress?  There's strength in numbers, and with the NASE as your champion, your concerns receive their deserved consideration in federal regulations and small business laws.

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