NASE Through The Years... 1990s

NASE Through The Years... 1990s

The NASE Through The Years

Here are some of the highlights in the NASE's history.


  • The Home Office Tax Deduction was broadened, allowing more small businesses to claim the deduction.
  • Following a diligent campaign by the NASE, the IRS created an independent oversight board that enhances the ability of small businesses to recover attorney fees and halt the accrual of fines and interest penalties in many instances.


  • Congress passed IRS overhaul legislation with small business-friendly provisions backed by the NASE.
  • The NASE met with IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti and other IRS executives to offer small business views on the pending IRS overhaul. Rossotti’s plan created an IRS operating unit devoted specifically to small business needs.


  • Legislation was passed allowing the costs of a home office to be deducted by businesses that perform essential administrative and management functions in the home office. The NASE was a leader in the fight for the broadened deduction.
  • Congress agreed to phase-in 100 percent deductibility of health insurance for the self-employed, which the NASE supported.


  • Efforts of the NASE were instrumental in passing the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act of 1996, which mandates major improvements in the way federal agencies treat small businesses. The Act – a small business “regulatory bill of rights” – was hailed as perhaps the most significant small business legislation passed since World War II.
  • The NASE helped persuade Congress to set up IRAs for non-wage-earning spouses of self-employed people.
  • went live to raise awareness of key issues for micro-businesses.


  • Members were a major voice in formulating a 60-point agenda developed for the Congress and Administration’s consideration during the White House Conference on Small Business.


  • The NASE recruited House Ways and Means Committee representatives to introduce H.R. 3407 to reinstate a home-office tax deduction for home-based small business owners. The association led a coalition of 32 business groups to secure additional support for the bill.


  • The association established a legislative advocacy program with a presence in Washington, D.C.

For more news about the NASE visit our press releases.

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