Member Testimonials

Member Testimonials

At the NASE, we're fortunate enough to be able to give back to those in the small-business community each and every day. Here's a short list of what our members say about what we do.

Lisa Stevenson
It’s been a long time since I joined, however, you offered a way for me to get and afford good health insurance.  I have since enjoyed the News Letters and the articles about what the NASE is doing in Washington DC to represent the Self-Employed.
- Lisa Stevenson, D.A.

Matthew Bernier
I joined the NASE in early 2016 and thought it was a good idea, considering they are one of the largest organizations for small business/self-employed that I could find. Any way I could get additional resources to help me succeed with my business and continue learning was something I felt obligated to do.
- Matthew Bernier

Mary G Mora
You don’t become a success by yourself. When I heard of the NASE and everything they offered, I knew that I had to join. I have been a member since 2011.
- Mary G. Mora

Chris Bouchard
I joined the NASE for a few reasons: I wanted to support the self-employed community, I can proudly display the NASE Member badge on my website and as the global marketplace continues to evolve an association such as NASE needs to be available for business owners – for that I thank you
- Chris Bouchard

Nicole VanHaaren
I joined the NASE in 2014 to better understand what it means to be self-employed and learn more about managing business and researching the best possible tools to help further my business.
- Nicole VanHaaren

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The NASE is America's leading non-profit association providing educational resources, benefits, and a seat at the table in Washington, D.C.

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